Wizard Character in Little Dream | World Anvil
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The stereotype of an arcanist, deep in a magical library late at night, poring by candlelight over some thick tome of magickal lore... Yes, this stereotype can hold.   A wizard and their spellbook, and often a familiar creature to tag along, are all inseparable. The powers of the magickal books and arcane knowledge, and the intelligence and knowledge for them all to come together: This is rare indeed.   Wizards often begin their careers in urban settings, where a good deal of magical resources is available. It is for this reason that many of the world's greatest wizards come from Teharre, from the amazing Noughtenboroughs, where so much magical lore can be there for the taking. Likelwise Tellarus, the great metropolis, where centuries of magickal wisdom lies waiting in the depths of the great libraries.   Really however, a wizard can take root anywhere there is magickal knowledge to be found and passed on. A wizard needs only the talent to use magic, and the will to study it. Some wizards are even brilliant enough to self-teach, although this is extremely rare and can end in a bad way...     FOR ATTRIBUTES OF A WIZARD, and for spell-casting details, see
  • Pathfinder 2e: The Core Rulebook;  or https://2e.aonprd.com/Classes.aspx?ID=12
  • D and D v3.5: The Player's Handbook;  or https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/3e_SRD:Wizard
  • D and D 5e: The Player's Handbook;  or http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/wizard


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