Wood Elven Attributes for Player Characters in Little Dream | World Anvil
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Wood Elven Attributes for Player Characters

This information shows what statistic, skill, and ability information will enter game play. Apply this information to your character sheet!   Wood Elves are categorized as "medium" sized, slender of build, and growing to less than 5 to 6 feet tall on average. They can weigh anywhere from 100 to 150 lbs. Elves can live well over 700 years, and the grow to adulthood between 50 and 100 years. Wood Elves speak Elven, Sylvan, and the Regional Common of their location, plus one more for every +1 in their intelligence modifier.   Elves do not sleep. Instead they enter a semiconscious trance state during which time they dream and rest. Four hours of this trance is equivalent to 8 hours of sleep in other beings.   All Wood Elves begin their adventures with proficiency or training with the Short Sword, Longsword, Long Bow (or composite) or Short Bow (or composite).    
  • Hit Points: 6
  • Speed 35'
  • Ability Boosts: Dexterity, Wisdom, Free
  • Ability Flaw: Strength
  • Low-Light Vision
  • +2 saves vs. Enchantments, and Immunity to Sleep effects
  • Weapon Training includes Elven Martial Weapons (longsword, rapier, longbow (and composite bow), and shortbow (including composite)
  • HERITAGES and ANCESTRY FEATS: As "WOODLAND ELF" in the PF2e Core Rulebook
Wood Elf Attributes for D and D 3.5
  • +2 Dexterity, +1 Wisdom, -1 STR
  • Immune to sleep spells
  • +2 vs. enchantments
  • Speed 35'
  • automatically proficient in longbow, rapier, longsword, composite longbow, shortbow, and composite shortbow
  • A great shot with the Longbow: +1 to any longbow attack
  • +2 for listen, spot, and search
  • coming within 5’ of hidden door, the elf gets automatic check to detect
  • Favored Class: Ranger, Druid
WOOD ELF PC Attributes for D and D 5e
  • Dexterity +2, Wisdom +1
  • Low-Light Vision
  • Proficiency in Perception
  • Fey Ancestry: Advantage on saves vs. sleep or charm magic
  • Speed 35'
  • Can attempt to hide even when lightly obscured by natural phenomenon, such as heavy rain, foliage, falling snow, mist, etc.
  • automatically proficient in longbow, rapier, longsword, composite longbow, shortbow, and composite shortbow


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