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Little Dream

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Little Dream is an unlimited, infinite world based on the sub-world of Summer's Tale, a planet and fantasy setting in one of a billion material planes of existence. Summer's Tale is our staging ground; it connects in various ways to all other planes and places in Little Dream, and all of it comes together as a multiverse for exploration on any number of platforms, including DandD 3.5, DandD 5e, and Pathfinder 2e. The Starfinder platorm may come in the future.   To be concise, "Little Dream" is the name for the entire multiverse, from all the material planes to all of the inner and outer planes, and anything else that might exist, or pretend to exist.   Summer's Tale, on the other hand, is the specific material world from which characters and heroes and others can access Little Dream: the Place of Beginnings.  Summer's Tale is, on the other hand, simply the planet and world where characters are created and adventure begins...

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