Arkas Settlement in Liyet's Worldbuild | World Anvil


Arkas is the capital colony of the New Draconian Technocracy. It is the fourth planet from its binary star and has an aggregate mass of approximately 8-9PMU. The planet is divided into 16 prefectures, of which Tatsu Park is the capital prefecture (with the capital metropolis being Elijah's Landing). In 12276, the recorded population of Arkas was 1,342,684,764 though Overseer estimates place the actual count at 1.5 billion.


The name of the planet has fluctuated wildly throughout history, with the identity of planet being hotly contested throughout history due to pre-unification religious competition and meddling on behalf of the post-unification Eldership. The earliest surviving records, dating over 15,000 standard cycles ago, do not explicitly refer to the planet as a whole but rather to the land in general. (((The name of land was __ meaning “something”. Unification… formerly named the planet after leading Elder… later named after the Earth-mother god. Even after federation contact, the name of the Draconian home planet still remained in flux. With Anachronistic Animism now dwindling in popularity due to a myriad of competing cultures, ideologies and religions, the name of the planet began to fluctuate again, mostly between prominent individuals such as explorers and politicians. Eventually the name settled on Sark, a prominent industrialist responsible for spearheading the residual projects surrounding Elijah’s Landing.

A later litany of sexual assault claims against Sark, in combination with the Arkasian Uprising, caused Sark’s namesake to be revoked. By Technocracy decree, the name of the planet then became the similar-sounding Arkas, an novice astrophysicist who played a key role in the construction of Arkas’ current orbital installations.


Arkas is highly tectonically active, with strings of active volcanoes and earthquake prone areas. As a result, Arkas has highly mountainous and hilly terrain.

Atmosphere and Hydrosphere


Segue into hydrosphere



Brief overview of native life


Brief overview of demographics


Notable areas of great cultural importances such as stadiums (sport), film sets (media), historical sites or places of natural beauty


Fenrir is the Technocracy’s richest and most developed planet. Large wealth gap between the planets, which worsened during the civil unrest. Its poverty rate averages 15.6%, depending on the metric. Many of those under the poverty line live on Panlong, the poorest Draconian planet.

<A major planetary export>

Dont forget to mention if the export is domestic or international


Transport, energy, water. Make infrastructure a new h1 heading with h2 subheadings if you have to!


Prefectures and Metropolitan Capitals

Rank Prefecture Metro Capital
1. Tatsu Park Elijah's Landing
2. New Bastion Zexh'be
3. Old Bastion The Head
4. Idyll's End Maverick
5. Covenant City (City-State)
6. Inception Nihilo
7. Old Daimyo The Cradle

Ouroboros 4: Arkas

      Flag                                                  Symbol

temporary placeholder flag
Arkas' location relative to its star

Before constitution
Eldership of the Drak
12271 (3rd)

Elijah's Landing
Prefectures: 6; City-states: 1; Bioregions: 1


  • Local Administrator
  • Duke Skinkhan

  • Sub-Administrator
  • Penelope Xizi

Draconian Administrative Council

Arkas T3 Judiciary

Planetary Mass

  • Total
  • 8.9 PMU (8.9x1024 kg)
  • Land
  • 6.7 PMU (6.7x1024 kg - 75% of mass)
  • Water
  • 2.2 PMU (2.2x1024 kg - 25% of mass)

Highest Elevation (Mount Atlas)


  • Overseer Precept (12276)
  • 1,342,684,764

  • Overseer Estimate (12276)
  • >1,500,000,000

  • Rank
  • 2nd



Atlas Rock Leaper
Common Arkasian Cave Fungus
Blue and black