Europa Settlement in Liyet's Worldbuild | World Anvil


Europa is a United Terran Federation planetary colony orbiting the gas giant of Jupiter in the Sol system. It is the second closest Jovian moon. With a mass of 0.048 PMU, it is the fourth largest Jovian moon and harbors the most water out of any celestial body in Federation space. It is the largest exporter of water within the Federation.


Discovery and Naming

Europa was discovered by two 117th-century astronomers: Galileo Galilei and Simon Marius. The latter suggested naming the moon after Europa, a mythologoical Phoenician noblewoman and the daughter of the king of (Old) Tyre. Europa's name did not gain immediate popularity, with 119th-century scientific publications preferring to use its Roman nomenclature "Jupiter II" and the name Europa only received general popularity up in the 120th-century.


Europa had several cursory examinations in the 120th and early 121st centuries. Upon the discovery of surface ice and a potenital subsurface ocean, human scientists hypothesised the potential of alien life (which had not yet been discovered) inside the moon. Interest in Europa surged and dedicated missions began gaining traction. Uncrewed missions dedicated to the exploration of the moon followed after the colonisation of Luna, with an orbiter and later cryobot being sent to the moon examine the subsurface ocean. Crewed mission were largely avoided due to the dangerous radiation levels. In 12042, discovery of microbial life on Europa conclusively proved the existence of alien life to humanity.

Colonisation and Early Colonial History

In the 12060s, 12 years after the partial establishment of the Martian colony, megacorporations began to take interest in establishing their own colonies beyond Mars. With its low mass and gravity, water could easily be transported from Europa's surface, making it a prime target for post-Martian colonisation. By the 12070s, various remote and temporary crewed missions had already drilled through and survey several square kilometers of Europa's icy crust. Despite the hostile Europan conditions and a budget overrun that left the earth-based Gjelle Corporation bankrupt, the first colony ships departed Earth on 20th April 12079, landing sporadically at the newly-constructed Tyre Station in 12082.

Underneath the icy crust, the Europan colony was comparatively more isolated than the Martian and even the Belter colonies. Though the effects of isolation on the human psyche had been well-documented at this point in history, Europa's additional isolation resulted in mental problems becoming rife amongst the early colony. It was estimated that 1 in 4 colonists reportedly suffered from schizophrenia, and psychosis-induced murders briefly overtook cancer as the leading cause of death in 12088. The survivability of the Europan colony was seriously questioned and discussions of decommissioning the colony began to ramp up. Such discussions discontinued in the 12090s, when the Martian colony became increasingly dependent on Europan water imports and the longevity of the colony became of paramount importance. Enormous investment by MarsX stabilized the conditions at Tyre Station.


Focus began to broaden in during The Restructuring, and Europa was largely relegated to a backwater. For the majority of the period. Europa grew steadily and several new major cities were constructed utilising cutting-edge 'modular city' designs. Most notable among the were the cities of Regalis, Heraklion and Verac. Europa remained economically dependent on water exports, and the extremely cheap cost of labor on Mars made Martian imports to Europa so cheap that they Europa struggled at diversifying its industry away from water imports. This made the entire Europan economy sensitive to the price of water and the colony's wealth flucutated purely based its price. The lack of economic complexity, combined with the stark isolation of the colony, made Europa culturally and politically homogenous, largely mirroring the corporate culture of Mars.

In the early 122nd Century, interstellar trade became much more efficient following incremental innovations upon the Alcubierre Drive, further expedited standardization across the 'three core worlds'. The more developed core worlds of Pandora and Demeter were capable of transporting water at a much cheaper price and thus drove down the price of water within the United Terran Federation. Though trade volumes increased on Europa, the undiversified Europan economy tumbled. The increased volume of shipping between Europa and the other worlds did however allow Europa to participate more fully in the entire Federation's political system; it's relative isolation began to lessen. Political discontent driven by wealth inequality and the ailing economy inspired protests on Regalis. On 20 April 12169, on the centennial anniversary of the first colony ships leaving Earth, Europa announced that it was going to join the Jovian Republic in order to allow it to better represent its interests in the United Federation Interplanetary Congress.

In the late 122nd Century, Europa’s political paradigm began to gradually shift towards democratization and corporate independence. Crete was the first to transition from colonial governance to independent republic, and it held its first elections on the 1st of January 12172. Europa began to engage in increasingly protectionist policies which caused trade volumes with Mars to drop. Mars was still dependent on the import of water, and the Martian public was outraged at the sudden increase of price in water. In response, MarsX and corporate-sympathetic citizens founded the new city of Pwyll, underneath the control of a MarsX subsidiary. Tensions between began the megacorporations of Mars and the Europa colony began to flare. In 12173, the Heraklion Incident caused relations to catastrophically dystrophy. Tensions reached a head in the months leading the incident, when protracted submarine duels caused the deaths of 108 and the loss of 12 vessels. This forced the regional power of New Phenocia to intervene and broker a peace deal between Crete and MarsX.

The intervention lasted decades and caused New Phenocia to suspend its democritization process. Controversy clouded the Europan colony and internal conflict remained strife, even well after the aftermath of the Heraklion Incident. Controversy spilled over into the greater Federation as well, as other members of the Jovian Republic stipulated Europan membership required Europa to be a wholly democratic colony. New Phenocia would cave to the political pressure, however, and held its first elections in 12204.

On the dawn of the 123rd Century, the Europan population surpassed 10 million individuals. The major cities of Regalis and Verac had grown so large they had merged into the megacity of Verac-Regalis. Europa remains the biggest domestic exporter of water, though it now boasts a more diversified economy that includes domestic manufacturing of military electronics and hydraulics, largely thanks to a Federation subsidy bundle that aimed at lowering Europan wealth inequality and developing its local industry. MarsX hotly contested the move, but its now dwindling influence on Europa, let alone the greater Federation, did not impact the growth of the Europan colony.


Europa's surface consists mainly of water ice. Surface temperatures of 50-100K render the ice permanent and as hard as granite. The thickness of this ice varies greatly, from just a few kilometers on the equator to potentially 25 kilometers thick. The ice exhibits a very high albedo level of 0.64 with reflectivity is tempered by criss-crossing lines that are indicative of surface ravines (which itself is indicative of Europa's tectonic activity). Europa's tan coloration is both a result of magnesium sulfate deposits and the accumulation of tholins.

Europa is the smoothest, mapped object in the Sol system. Its highest point, the Byblos Masiff, barely measures half a kilometer. Despite this, Europa's surface sports very irregular terrain, featuring penitentes, lineae, chaos and lenticulae. Many of these features (including the lack of impact craters) are attributed to Jovian tidal flexing and cryovolcanic activity.


Europa's most prominent feature is its subsurface saltwater ocean. The ocean is vast and has not yet been fully mapped, but estimates place the ocean at an average of approximately 100 kilometers deep. Europa has the most liquid body of any celestial body in Federation space. Thus, water serves as a major Europan export. The heat from tidal flexing is the likely culprit for Europa's ocean, and is also responsible for the creation of surface water plumes.


The ionizing radiation levels on Europan surface are high and surface exposure in excess of just a quarter Europan day often leads to death. As such, all sapien settlements and any native Europan life is relegated to deep below Europan oceans where virtually all ionizing radiation is neutralized by the extremely thick ice crust and deep water.

The overwhelming majority of sapien life consists primarily of Humans due to its location within Federation space. There is also a notable ethnic minority of Cetians who have immigrated, proclaiming of an "unspeakable draw" towards the moon. All live in deep water stations located within the subsurface oceans to insulate themselves from the Jovian radiation. Though no official census has been conducted, the estimated Europan population is 17 million.

Europan native life manifests in the form of chemosynthetic bacteria that gain energy from the sulfates being discharged from hydrothermal vents. These bacteria serve as symbionts to bivalves, allowing them to survive the normally-lethal toxicity surrounding hydrothermal vents. The most well-known bivalve, and national animal, is the Europan Clam which is found commonly among the (relatively) shallow water hydrothermal vents near Tyre Station.

Amongst humans, there exist popular urban legends surrounding the possibility of enormous lifeforms inhabiting the deeper Europan ocean, mirroring the abyssal gigantism of particular deep-sea fauna back on Earth. However scientists generally agree that the deep Europan ocean demonstrates a water pressure of over 1 billion Pa, making any form of life, let alone that of aquatic megafauna, impossible. Psychologist Jacob Sanders theorizes that the popular belief likely stems from a combination of thalassophobia and the sense of isolation experienced in the deep-sea stations. Sanders also suggests that the mass hysteria in the aftermath of the Heraklion Incident could have possibly contributed to increased religious plurality and spurred beliefs of "deep sea gods" such as the aforementioned fictitious megafauna.


Europa's magnetosphere exhibits a magnetic moment of 120nT, relatively weak when compared to Ganymede. A lack of a strong magnetosphere, in combination with its ice surface results in Jovian electromagnetic radiation interacting strongly with the surface ice to water vapor. The hydrogen of this water disassociates via radiation, leaving behind an oxygen-rich, but thin atmosphere.

As a result of its lack of atmosphere, Europa exhibits no weather. Surface temperatures range from 50K to 110K, with water temperatures only marignally warmer.


A census in 12272 placed the Europan population at 16.6 million. Current estimates indicate that the current population exceeds 17 million. 96% of the sapien inhabitants are human. A notable ethnic minority of Cetians represents approximately ~3% of the total sapien population.

The Europan population has increased by an average of 86 thousand per year. The vast majority of this growth stems from immigration, as births account for less than a quarter of this figure.


Europan culture is often described as one that is punctuated with superstition. Despite the large distances between Europan cities, and in spite of the introduction of MarsX's injection of corporatism, this distinguished culture of Europan superstition is present across the entire planet. Religious plurality is high even on census reports, but demographers note that the vast majority of Europans shy away from the 'mainstream' religions in favor of local Europan cults that often border on more extreme ideologies.

Concerts and theatre is held regularly on Europa and has become one of its biggest tourist attractions. There are several, established, annual events on Europa, such as the Verac-Regalis Comedy Festival, Byblos Music Festival, Ice Rock Concert and Verac-Regalis Theatre Week. Some prominent films have also been shot at Europa, with notable examples inlcuding the Sundance Parable and the hit serial comedy, Jovial Clowns.


Heart disease is the biggest cause of death on Europa, followed by workplace accidents. Mental health remains a problem on the isolated colony. As a result of the strenuous living conditions, Europan life expectancy is 22.21 Standard Cycles, substantailly lower than the country-wide average of 24.1 Standard Cycles.


The gross planetary product was £425 billion, putting the GPP per capita at approximately £25,000. The colonial tax rate hovers at an average of 15%, and colonial government expenditures at 25% of GPP. Unemployment is extremely low in Europa, at only 0.6%. The very small labor force on Europa has been labeled by economists as one of the largest inhibitors to its economic growth.


Tidal flexing provides Europa with an excess of geothermal and tidal power which is extensively exploited by major cities.

Europa's public transport infrastructure consists of high-speed rail in between major cities. Most long-distance travel however, is done via charter submarine.

Export Economy

Despite extensive diversification into domestic industry, and competition from the Kronian and other Jovian moons, Europa still remains dependent on its export economy. Europa's biggest export is purified water, and remains the biggest exporter of water in the entire Federation. Its biggest importer is Mars and biggest competitor is the water-exporting colony of Enceladus.

Europa is also rich in sulfate salts, and began exporting them shortly after colonisation. However in the early 12100s, Io was colonised and began its own sulphur exports. Io exhibited an absolute compartive advantage as its surface deposits made it much easier to extract more pure sulphur for export. The heavy competition wiped out demand for Europan sulfates. In the April of 12182, Europa made its last sulfate export, rendering the entire extraction industry completely domestic.


Like the rest of the democratic colonies of the Federation, Europa accomodates three branches of government: the legislative, the executive and the judiciary.

The colonial legislative body is the Europan House of Representatives. Europa's legislature only consists of one house.

The Europan president heads the colony's executive branch. The current president of Europa is Victoria Subra and the current vice-president is Christopher Bleu.

The Europan Supreme Court is the colony's highest court, with 4 justices. The colony also has an array of specialized business courts which hears matters pertaining to Europa's water industry and/or conflicts between Europan businesses and MarsX.

Nation-states and Respective Capitals

Nation-State Capital City
1. Jovian Republic, Europan Arm of the Verac-Regalis
2. New Phoenicia Limón Station
3. Crete Heraklion
4. MarsX Pwyll

Sol 6b: Europa

      Flag                                                  Symbol


Europa, taken during a flyby in 12022

12082 (4th)

Nation-states: 6


  • President
  • Victoria Subra
  • Vice-President
  • Christopher Bleu

Europan House of Representatives

Europan Supreme Court

Planetary Mass
0.048 PMU (4.8x1022 kg)

Highest Elevation (Byblos Massif)


  • Estimate
  • >17,000,000
  • Rank
  • 2nd



Europan Clam
White and tan