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Color Elves

All images by Nightcafe

From The Split in the year 10001, the world was cloven in three: Growth, Stability, and Decay. In Stability, the land and peoples stayed stubborn, refusing to change for thousands of years. In Decay, society crumbled with the land, breaking apart and never to be whole again. In Growth, however, the people flourished and evolved as quick as they crumbled in Decay. Innovation and evolution became one as society grew past their prejudices and primitive technology into a changed world. One of the numerous innovations of this world were the color elves.  

Protection from Life

As the world flourished, the humans and faire folk wondered at death. In a world of growth, it was still so easy to die. Thus began a project so complex that it took a few generations, unlike the quicker progression that was more common in Growth. The result was a complex combination of genetics and magic, bringing forth the color elves. Each color that a color elf could have corresponded with protection against certain types of malady. Unfortunately, the strengthening against any one malady made it so that the individual could not be strengthened against any others. Color elves were thus split into bands of color, each being pure of one variety of protection. Their color was reflected in that of their skin, hair, and eyes, which all became the same shade of their band, along with their dress, which they often coordinated with their band as well.

The Bands

Scarlet Band

Protection: Blood network extended to encompass all parts of body, with numerous redundancies to prevent bleeding in case of puncture.
Traits: Extremely fast heartbeat.

Pink Band

Protection: Bodies are malleable so as to not have difficulty with being crushed or manuevering tight spaces.
Traits: Bodies can look a bit lumpy due to imprecise molding back into original shape.

Orange Band

Protection: Thickened skin and internal organ lining, to prevent rupture.
Traits: Tend to be more heavyset.

Yellow Band

Protection: Can safely consume any matter and digest it completely.
Traits: Never require use of bathroom, nor any other type of expulsion, such as regurgitation or burps.

Lime Band

Protection: Can photosynthesize to produce additional energy.
Traits: Eat and drink less, tend to sleep more.

Emerald Band

Protection: Bodies can instantly detect and destroy foreign life inside them such as bacteria and viruses.
Traits: Children appear very similar to parents.

Sapphire Band

Protection: Need less oxygen, thus can hold breath for extremely long periods of time, also can breathe under water.
Traits: Have gills, can run exert themselves more and for longer.

Lavender Band

Protection: A difference in how their brains recieve signals of alarm, so as to be aware of bodily danger but not feel pain.
Traits:Tend to be cold and logical in demeanor.

Indigo Band

Protection: Hairs over entire body grow longer, thicker, and more plentiful, with heightened sense of touch and detection of vibrations from world around them, leading to some proficient members of the Indigo Band to have what is almost precognition of the imminent future.
Traits: Tend to be more reliant upon sense of touch than sight for general movement, averse to close physical contact

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

Color elf children have been observed to mature slower than humans and faire folk, and all color elves live longer lives.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Like humans and faire folk, but with pointed ears.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Color elves tend to take on their band name as a second surname.

Beauty Ideals

All color elves tend to wear their hair long, especially the indigo band.

Written for Summer Camp 2024
Prompt: A species with protective anatomy (Species)
200 years
Average Height
7 ft
Average Weight
150 lb
Average Physique
Lithe, but strong

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