Elements Physical / Metaphysical Law in Llagnyn | World Anvil
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Everything in Llagnyn, when divided small enough, is made up of elements. Every type of element has unique characteristics which set it apart from the others.  

Smaller Parts

To understand the workings of elements, one first needs to understand the pieces that make them up. These pieces cannot exist on their own, and always stay as part of an element.


At the center of every elements is the magus. It has three parts: at the center is a shard; surrounding the shard are mages; and encasing the magus is a temporal bearing.


At the center of the magus lies a shard. This is what draws all parts of the element together. The shard is one of a near-infinite set which splintered from King Llarbyn at the shattering.


Surrounding the shard of an element are mages. These particles come in many types, and it is the quantity and quality of the magus's mages that give an element its identity.
Mage Qualities
  • Metal
  • Energy
  • Vaporous

Temporal Bearing

The temporal bearing is a shell which contains the rest of the magus. It grounds the element in time and space, preventing continued shattering chaos.


Emotionals are small, sharp needles which poke into the magus of an element.They can modify the behavior and volatility of the element. They are made up of a cluster of emotionis. The variety of an emotional depends on its cluster content. Emotionis come in six forms: Happiness, Sadness, Anger, Disgust, Fear, and Surprise.

Dimensional Fabric

Mages and temporal bearings are made out of dimensional fabric. Dimensional fabric is woven from dimensional threads. They come in seven varieties: Space, Life, Emptyness, Consciousness, Chaos, Location, and Time. Temporal bearings are always woven out of Time, Space, and Location threads, while mages can vary in formation, creating subqualities, which make subelements.


Some special elements, called crystals collectively, have additional needles poking into the dimensional fabric of the temporal bearing. These needles are called shines. They come in seven varieties: Clear, Sharp, Shimmer, Glimmer, Pale, Strong, and Chip. The shines tend to latch on to certain maguses with specific combinations of Vaporous and Energy Mages, effectively splitting them into seven individual elements.


The elements can be arranged on a chart by the amount of mages they have, and what qualities those mages possess. Some interesting properties of them are as follows:
  • 1 Vaporous Mage
The most plentiful of all the elements. Fills up most space around all things, and powers many living creatures through a proccess known as breathing.
Chlorine- Poisonous gas, will kill any living creature it comes in contact with. Made from dimensional fabric with subqualities of Chaos and Emptyness.
Emotional Variance
  • Heat fluctuates greatly from hot (Anger emotoinis) to cold (Sadness emotoinis).
  • Can move fast with happiness emotionis, forming a variant known as wind.
  • 1 Metal Mage
A soft metal, often noted for being very shiny.
  • 1 Energy Mage
Another very common element; this element is very destructive, and often has many anger emotionis attached.
Blaze- The type of material burned by fire can change based on dimensional thread variations, forming variants called blazes.
Emotional Variance
  • Quantity of anger to sadness emotionis changes heat of fire.
  • The size of fire increases on amount of surprise emotionis.
  • 2 Vaporous Mages
A white, fluffy, and hard to contain element which is often seen floating both in the skies above the shattered factions of Llagnyn and forming the sea of clouds which the factions lie on.
Emotional Variance
  • Anger to Sadness ratio effects density of cloud. When too much anger is present, breaks into a substance known as steam.
  • 1 Vaporous Mage
  • 1 Metal Mage
A dark vapor often thought of as black cloud, with mysterious connections to fire.
Ash- a dirty black powder.Made from dimensional fabric with subqualities of Spcae and Location.
Emotional Variance
  • When more Disgust Emotionis present, will stick together in a bigger cluster, increasing resemblance to cloud.
  • 2 Metal Mages
A reflective metal, needed often for various types of magic throughout the 14 factions.
Emotional Variance
  • Many magic users describe silver as having a "mood" which effects magical properties this appears to correlate to which emotionals are attached to the specimen. On this note, silver attracts an irregularly high quantity of emotionis.
  • 1 Metal Mage
  • 1 Energy mage
One of the strongest metals in the world, a good material for function, without much physical features to note.
Hard- A stronger substance good for reinforcement. Made from dimensional fabric with subqualities of space and location.
Sharp- A thin material used for weapons. made from dimensional fabric with subqualities of Chaos and Emptyness.
  • 2 Energy Mages
A special element found plentifully in the world. Often used by many creatures for communication.
Noise- Sounds which are generated from the world. Made from dimensional fabric with subqualities of Space, Chaos and Emptyness.
Speech- Sounds made by creatures to send messages to each other. Made from dimensional fabric with subqualities of Life, Consciousness and Location.
Emotional Variance
  • Every emotioni present in a Sound element alters it's behvaior, resulting in a phenomenon known as Tune, Chord, or Tone. They rage from shrillist to deepest as follows: Surprise, Fear, Joy, Sadness, Disgust, Anger.
  • 1 Vaporous Mage
  • 1 Energy Mage
An element which has found many practical uses throughout society, and which can be harvested through a proccess still being analized from clouds.
Poison- A deadly liquid which comes in many forms based on emotional variance. Made from dimensional fabric with subqualities of Chaos and Emptiness.
Emotional Variance
  • Temperature changes based on ratio of Anger to Sadness emotionis.
  • 1 Vaporous Mage
  • 1 Metal Mage
  • 1 Energy Mage
The element found in every living creature. Little is known about it, as it deteriorates quickly after being removed from its host. Experiments are still underway on human slaves and other animals and plants which can be safely contained while being examined.
  • 3 Vaporous Mages
A hard to contain, pale gold substance, which is rarely found in brains, seeming to enact their wills upon the world. Research is still ongoing.
  • 2 Vaporous Mages
  • 1 Metal Mage
A substance which attaches itself to other materials and forces them into solid form. It is hard to contain, as it immediately tries to react with air, and must be held in an airless, already solid container.
  • 1 Vaporous Mage
  • 2 Metal Mages
A burning, near-liquid substance which hardens into Stone or other Metal elements.
Lava- a more viscous form of magma which flows faster. Made from dimensional fabric with subqualities of Location and Emptiness.
This is as far as I got during WorldEmber. What follows is my continued work on this article afterwards.


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