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While travel between the 14 factions of Llagnyn is not a common practice for most cultures, the Faire Folk of Crynab find sailing the dangerous Sea of Clouds a respectable profession.  

The Sea of Clouds

The Shattered Continents lie on the Sea of Clouds, far above where the old lands used to be. The Sea of Clouds is very dangerous and ever-changing, making the jobs of the sailors extremely perilous. The sea of clouds can bring about mountains or infinite holes, so the sailors need to be at constant attention to direct the ship.


There are two types of boats employed by the Faire Folk of Crynab. Boats are used for pleasure and training on the inland rivers of their continent, while ships are used specifically for intercontinental travel out on the Sea of Clouds. The makings of the two are very similar, with the exception that ships have special additions for navigation. The bottom and rudder of ships are coated in a special material called brybryll (b-r-IH-b-r-ih-l), which shoots a constant repelling force behind it. the brybryll on the bottom of the ship repels against what is presumed to be the botom of the old world, while the rudder can be angled to launch it in different directions.


Operating a ship requires a collection of trained individuals. The crew is made up of many people trained in specific tasks to make sure they can get to their destination safely.


The captain runs the ship, along with dealing with all financial matters onshore. While at sea, their job is to make sure that all crewmembers are doing what they need to at any given time.


The job of the steer is to keep the ship going in the right direction. They monitor the directional maps to make sure the angles are leading them correctly, and they operate the steer, a rod poking out of the steerdeck marked with degrees to control rotation of the rudder. They also need to get the boat back on course if direction was altered to avoid obstacles in the sea of clouds.


Every ship has seven defense, who each guard over the wares of the ship. If the profit of the ship is lost, the defense take the blame.


A cook is kept on the ship to ensure that all staff are fed. It is often seen a perk of a sailing job if a ship has an excellent cook, and can be a deciding factor in joining a crew.


As with many professions, human slaves are kept on ships to do the work which is beneath the faire folk. This mainly involves cleaning.

If this is your first time visiting Llagnyn, some important information to know:
  • This is a world where humans are enslaved to the Faire Folk
  • The Faire Folk are split into 14 factions, each living on one of the Shattered Continents, which lie on the Sea of Clouds. It is unknown if land still exists below the sky, but as far as the Faire Folk know, theirs is the only land left after the Shattering.
Financial / Trade

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Jan 2, 2024 22:14 by Candi Lyn Siemens

Hello FlyerStitch. I like that you didn't try to come up with a new name for this profession, even though it seems to involve something slightly different in this world. I am wondering a couple of things. First, if the Sea of Clouds is in the sky (above the lands), does that mean that these are some kind of flying ship? Second, how is the ship powered? Your slaves are described as cleaning crew. Who works to keep the engines going or the sails in ship-shape?

Jan 3, 2024 02:07

Hello Caelinae. It's nice to know that people are reading my articles! I try to keep this world in a bit of a softer magic, but I'm not always the best at making sure that what I'm trying to say is what's getting across. The basic answer to why things are able to stay on the clouds is magic, a bit more in-depth reason is that in the Boats section I wrote about a material called brybryll, which along with keeping the boats constantly moving, pushes against the eventual bottom of the old world down below(I imagine that after the shattering[see more on that in my world history, although I don't have that fully ironed out myself], despite the lands now hovering in the sky, there still has to be something down below), and that's what keeps the ship from falling. The constant stream of magic shooting out keeps the ship moving, so there's no real reason to have someone work an engine, aside from the steer who just makes sure the ship is going the right direction. Feel free to inquire if you have any more questions! Thank you so much for asking!