Havarell Rendish

45 year old human lord within Hocia.
  Relationships: • - Son Devin
  Character Traits: • -Generally affable, politics don’t align with Bainbridges
  Notes: • -Patron for party: Covers room and board expenses within Hocia and Kom Maldir • “Loyal Scribe Jonathan” • Blue hummingbird seal
  In the campaign: The group met Lord Rendish on the road north when his carriage had broken down. With Valha's commanding presence, and Nyx's know-how, they rallied Rendish's guards and fixed his carriage. After meeting later at an inn, they secured Lord Rendish as a patron for their travels through Hocia and Kom Maldir.
  On their return trip, Lord Rendish's guard captain Runlithmae met them and told them that their presence was requested at Lord Rendish's estate. They learned that his Cryptwood was overrun with undead and monsters due to a shadow crossing that had opened deep inside.
  During a very harrowing night within the Cryptwood, the group closed the shadow crossing and cleared out the monsters. Afterward, Lord Rendish allowed them to recuperate at his estate before continuing on their journey.