Rose Bainbridge

Rose’s clothing is the height of extravagance - the finest silks, furs, and jewelry. She has ruddy skin and blue eyes. Her wavy brown hair is tied in a short braid. She is quite nimble. She is 30 years old (adult), 5 ft, 8 in tall, and weighs 206 lbs (93 kg).
  When Valha, Nyx, and Luna were originally called to the castle among a group of potential adventurers, they caught the notice of the crown princess Rose, who gave them a bit more information about her sister. She also ordered her personal guard Finriel to accompany them since she deemed them the best chance of finding Alyssa.
  After joining forces with Serene and Draegan Alros, and ultimately killing the dark warlock Alyssa, they returned to find that Rose had had a seeming change of heart, ordering them to be taken away and punished for the murder of her sister. Unbeknownst to the party, Rose was being controlled by the wizard Abeus, who cast Sleep on the party and promptly transported them to Ironlake.
  When the party returned to Oakbend once more, having escaped from Ironlake, they were told that Rose was on a diplomatic mission to Solta. However when Valha and Draegan were scouting out the dungeons for a potential entrance, they discovered that Rose had been thrown in the dungeon with a collar of illusion magic meant to hide her identity.
  Though the party had only been gone for a week, Rose insisted she had been in the dungeon and tutored in magic for weeks. With her help the party took back the castle, and Abeus fled.
  Shortly after they discovered the king, her father, had not survived what Abeus had done to his mind, making Rose the queen of Hocia.
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