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The Elder World

The Elder World is one of many different cosmic dimensional galaxies that exist in its own plain of existence, time and matter without origin. It is known that The Elder World contains many cosmic creatures and deities that mortals would consider vile, horrific and sanity blasting.   Notwithstanding, The Elder World is very much different than most plains of existences, realms and galaxies. As Lochtarah has it's own laws of physics, matter and organisms, The Elder World does so as well, albeit slightly inverted, corrupt, contorted, and obtuse. The Elder World uses a sequence of multi-dimensional Slip-Gates to make contact with other realms and dimensions. Slip-Gates can string realms together in attempt to pull them into The Elder World. While there is no certain way of truly knowing, scholars have suggested that The Elder World has devoured hundreds of realms through it's use of Slip-Gates.   While the concept of dimensions existing, from obscure plains to different points of time, that parallel with our own may be mind boggling to the average commoner, those who diligently take on the studies of dimensions may unlock secret knowledge of the power that each dimension may hold or grant.  


  Slip-Gates are a series of highly transcendental planes of existence which themselves surpass the very concept of higher dimensions. An unknown amount of gates exist, but there is stated to be a "multitude".   The Ultimate Gate transcends all dimensions, universes and planes of existence and is where the Court of Azathoth is located in the "Ultimate Void", where the Outer Gods reside.   During the Sigil-Fall it was documented that many slip-gates of various sizes and spatial degrees were in fact opened, with the biggest slip-gate being opened in southern Anor. This lead to the Retribution of Jehova, a key battle that ended the Sigil-Fall shortly after the Children of Oldann traversed through the Slip-Gate.  

Accounts From The Children of Oldann

Since The Elder World is comprised of many different Slip-Gates that act as a web of dimensional travel within and with out it, it is nearly impossible to accurately map it's geography to the fullest extent. What is known and documented is nothing short than bizarre. The Children of Oldann gave a private account to King Rodham Alaric of what lied beyond the southern Slip-Gate. When they first entered, they were surrounded by void darkness and attacked. Once they killed the foul beast, that is presumed was protecting the entrance, they described being on a floating asteroid like rock with stalactite pieces of land floating aimlessly around them. They described being on a mountain of skulls, that the bedrock of the floating asteroid was littered with different races of skeletal remains and deeply rooted tentacles that thrived and squirmed . They went on to explain walls made of skulls, dry rotted wood and tarnished iron, horrific subterranean structures, bright colored trees, rooms full of water that defy physics and a 14 mile bridge that they described floating in space in a seamless manner. At the end of the bridge was a mountain like structure with gigantic curved teeth, reminiscent of the teeth inside a Venus fly trap. They explained that inside the alien structure was a maze of concrete ducts, which led them into a lair that seemed hollowed out. They spoke of an eldritch fortress door, etched in runes and strange symbols. They went on and explained how they killed a strange spider-like eldritch creature beyond the door and found a Slip-Gate back to Anor. Scholars believe that the spider-like creature is an offspring of Atlach-Nacha.


Dimensional plane

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