Charlottesville Werewolf Pack

We've been living on this land since any of the stories can remember. We spent some time living here under squatters rights and as farm hands and employees, but it's ours again now. After generations, our land is ours.


The Cooper family, like many lycanthropic families, is structured like a wolf pack: the eldest pairing are in charge of the family with the children ranking in birth order. Daughters and sons have equal ranking, though favoritism tends to be given to those who manifest as changers.

Public Agenda

The Coopers work hard to protect the pack and keep humans from learning about them.


The Coopers' native land is approximately 800 acres of farmland in Central Virginia, about twenty minutes outside of Charlottesville. The land contains eight different parcels of land and is designated as a family subdivision. Several of the parcels have been subdivided in order to build homes for various members of the family. Collectively, the family also owns enough stocks and investments to support the eldest generation into retirement.


The first Coopers were part of the Virginia Powhatan tribe which greeted English and Dutch settlers. They intermarried with the settlers, resulting in a hybrid tribe resembling the native wolves and the European and Scandinavian wolves. As the Powhatan land was taken over by settlers, the Coopers insinuated themselves into the human families that owned it, first as servants and workers, then intermarrying until the family was more wolf than human. Now, they own their ancestral land outright.
Notable Members


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