
There are a lot of crossed wires in the hunter community regarding psychics. The general belief is that they are charlatans and con-men out to fleece the unwary and grieving. There is some genuine evidence in the lore for genetic psychics, though, and we have had some documented contact with some of them.
Many people are aware of the energies of the world around them and can see, feel or otherwise sense how those energies move and influence the world. Largely, these people are referred to as "sensitives." Psychic sensitives may or may not be able to manipulate the energies they can sense. They may or may not be capable of blocking out those senses. The most common sensitives can also numb their senses to the point of normal perception and many people who are sensitive develop the knack for this early in life as a coping mechanism. --Gustava Anderson, family notes


We have documented cases of families which maintain a genetic lineage of psychic activity. One such family is the Eriksen family, originally of Sweden and settled more recently in upstate New York. Gustava Anderson-Eriksen was a documented psychic with reliable precognitive abilities. She was contacted regularly by several local hunters in the 50s and 60s regarding paranormal activities and proved both helpful and useful. Her daughter, Isabella and grandson, Marek Alfweine also show signs of psychic awareness but lack the strength of Gustava's abilities.

Cultural Reception

Gustava Eriksen spoke of a community of psychically aware families in the Scandinavian regions of the world, known as the Valainen. Reportedly, they have their own internal culture and share a language with Uralic language roots, similar to Finnish but distinct. The bloodlines seem to have spread throughout the rest of the world, especially to the Eastern seaboard of the United States and to the Midwest, probably following the migration of Swedish, Finnish and Norwegian families. She also hinted that there are many other genetic lines of psychics but that they are very insular and resist attempts from the outside to communicate.
Gustava Anderson-Eriksen
Character | Jan 5, 2021
Chronic, Congenital


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