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The God Emperor

According to folklore, a child was born of virginal birth, heralded below a blazing winter star. Three seers, witnessing the birth, prophesied the boy would save humanity. The blessed child grew from being a mere carpenter to become a strong and charismatic champion of order, who united dozens of warring regions into a cohesive empire. He eventually ascended to divinity and was dubbed the God-Emperor, becoming the lord of civilization, courage and humanity. From a heavenly throne amid the clouds, the God Emperor’s divine light brings revelation to the darkest of places, worshipped universally as the chief god of humanity. His prayers are radiant and inspire courage, but are only granted to the worthiest agents of order.  


The priesthood of the God-Emperor are known as Godsworn: hammer-wielding, militant paladins who root out Mutants and chaos in the name of humanity. They are a zealous and headstrong priesthood, taught to never back down and to always put faith in their divine lord. Older Godsworn seem to exude holy light, with the mark of a burning hammer branded on their skin. Heretical Godsworn are unforgivable and deemed traitors of the highest order, militant supremacists who put anyone who is not ‘purely human’ to the flame, though what qualifies as ‘purely human’ is very much open to definition. Pogromists of the worst sort, their brand is twisted and upside down, indicating their allegiances to Ancestral purity.  


The Godsworn must obey orders given to them by superiors and always show true allegiance for their godly lord. They must always promote civilization, even at the cost of their individual freedoms. Above all, Godsworn priests must follow the commandment to root out rot and Corruption in all its sordid forms. Finally, Godsworn must only wield blunt weapons so as to not spill blood. Cracking skulls, however, is encouraged when facing down Orx and other Mutant Ancestries.
Religious, Holy Order


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