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The Learner

As literacy slowly becomes more of a given than not, the Learner has moved from being an obscure deity to one of the most well-regarded. The Learner is the god of knowledge, justice and history, as well as the husband of the Custodian. He is a kind and patient though esoteric god, seen most often as an aged scholar or an owl. In addition to being the patron of philosophers and intellectuals, many sanctioned arcanists of all sorts pay lip service to the Learner. The Learner often values usable knowledge over mystical powers, but He does grant prayers of perception to those He deems intelligent enough to use them wisely.  


The Learner’s devout are called Truthsayers. Their ranks are few but well-regarded for their sagacity. They record and maintain great histories, including of those other faiths that let them and they often serve as arbitrators or judges on disagreements between feuding churches. As a Truthsayer obtains more knowledge and submits their new-found learning to the restricted archives kept by their priesthood, they develop an almost eidetic memory while their sense of judgement grows less humane and more pragmatic. Truthsayers who use knowledge for their own twisted purposes are beyond saving, for their awareness of dark truths can serve as potent weapons against their fellows.  


First among all of the Learner’s strictures are that Truthsayers must safeguard knowledge of all sorts, as it is the foundation of civilization. It is also their duty to arbitrate in disputes, free from bias. In addition, though they view combat as a last resort, they see no shame in using it to overthrow injustice and heresy. The Learner also expressly forbids the priesthood from telling falsehoods, unless it would grant heretical or dark knowledge to others.
Religious, Other


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