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The Chromatic Giant Inventory

Body Part:

Head: 1 Medium, or 2 Small
Chest: 1 Large, or 2 Medium, or 4 Small
Back: 1 Large, or 2 Medium, or 4 Small
Arm or Wing: 1 Medium and 1 Small, or 3 Small
Leg or Tail: 1 Medium and 1 Small, or 3 Small
  Inks (S, M, L):
Detection Ink 300 GP 600 GP 900 GP
Glamor Ink 150 GP 300 GP 600 GP
Glow Ink 180 GP 360 GP 720 GP
Mood Ink 150 GP 300 GP 600 GP
  Standard Ink 50 GP 100 GP 200 GP

Standard Augmentations

All Seeing Eye (2400 GP, small) Your mind feels more limber, accurately discerning the opinions and intent of others.
The wearer gains advantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks.   Eye of Darkvision (2000 GP, small) Your eyes become accustomed to total darkness. You can see into the darkest corners of the world.
The wearer can gain the ability to see in the dark, and has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. If the wearer already has darkvision, this increases the range of their darkvision by 60 feet, to a maximum of 120 feet.   Eye of Truesight (5000 GP, medium) A third eye stares unblinkingly out from your forehead, seeing through illusions and observing other planes of existence.
Once per long rest as an action, the wearer gains the ability to see things as they actually are. For 1 hour, the creature has truesight, notices secret doors hidden by magic, and can see into the Ethereal Plane, all out to a range of 120 feet.   Eye of the Seer (2500 GP, small) Your eyes feel keener, seeing your surroundings in higher definition.
The wearer gains advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks.   Mark of the Anchor (1800 GP, small) Your body feels heavier, feet more firmly planted on the ground.
The wearer gains advantage against effects that would move them, or knock them prone.   Mark of the Archer (4000 GP, medium) Your bow feels natural in your hand, and moves almost without thought to aim at your targets.
The wearer has a +1 bonus on ranged attack rolls with ranged weapons they are proficient with.   Mark of the Dwarvenkind (4000 GP, medium) Your resilience is bolstered by the innate hardiness of the dwarves.
You have advantage on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage. You now qualify as a dwarf with regards to any items or feats that require dwarven heritage.   Mark of the Dragonborn (4000 GP, medium) An elemental spark of the dragonborn roils inside you, allowing you to release exhalations of destructive energy.
When this tattoo is administered, the wearer may choose acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison. Once per short rest, the wearer can use their bonus action to spew magical energy of the associated damage type from their mouth in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in the area must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 5d6 damage of the associated damage type on a failure, or half as much on a success. You now qualify as a dragonborn with regards to any items or feats that require dragonborn heritage.   Mark of the Elvenkind (4000 GP, medium) Sylvan magic runs through your veins, granting you the most common blessing of the Feywild.
The wearer gains immunity to magical sleep, and has advantage on saving throws against being charmed. You now qualify as an elf with regards to any items or feats that require elven heritage.   Mark of the Halfling (4000 GP, medium) The jovial spirit of the halflings flows through you, granting unnatural luck in unlucky situations.
Once per long rest, when the wearer rolls a 1 on the d20 for an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, they can reroll the die and must use the new roll. You now qualify as a halfling with regards to any items or feats that require halfling heritage.   Mark of the Variant (9600 GP, large) Your body surges with the ambition and adaptability of the humans.
The wearer gains the benefits of a feat of their choice.   Mark of the Hummingbird (3200 GP, large) A curious bird darts across your chest, granting you its speed.
The wearer gains +2 to initiative rolls.   Mark of the Shadow (3500 GP, Small) A veil of shadows and silence radiates from you, masking you from detection.
Once per long rest, the wearer may cast pass without trace, targeting themselves only.   Mark of Vitality (7000 GP, medium) Healing energy radiates from you in a soft golden glow.
Once per long rest, the wearer may activate this tattoo as an action. For the next minute (or until their concentration lapses), each creature within a 30 ft radius of the wearer regains the maximum number of hit points possible from any healing.   Scar of Bravery (2000 GP, medium) Your mind feels more robust. The trauma and pain you have experienced bolsters your resolve.
The wearer gains advantage on saving throws against being frightened.   Tattoo of Springing (1500 GP, small) Coiled springs cover your calves, making you feel like your body is weightless.
The wearer's jumping distance is doubled.   Tattoo of Striding (3000 GP, small) A design of leaves or flowing wind spirals around your leg.
The wearer's walking speed is increased by 5 feet. This tattoo may be applied to the other leg for an additional +5 feet of movement.   Tattoo of Protection (7500 GP, large) A design of overlapping chain rings, or of leather-looking patches, covers your torso.
The wearer has a +1 bonus to AC and to all saving throws.  

Gemstone Enhancements (Only One Each, All Large)

Spirit of the Bear (2500 GP diamond dust, 100 GP service) You feel blessed with the endurance of a bear.
The wearer’s Constitution score increases by +1. This tattoo will not raise the wearer’s Constitution score above 20. An Ornate variant of this tattoo can raise the wearer’s Constitution score above 20, but not above 30. This variant is twice as difficult to administer.   Spirit of the Bull (2200 GP ruby dust, 100 GP service) You feel blessed with the strength of a bull.
The wearer’s Strength score increases by +1. This tattoo will not raise the wearer’s Strength score above 20. An Ornate variant of this tattoo can raise the wearer’s Strength score above 20, but not above 30. This variant is twice as difficult to administer.   Spirit of the Cat (2200 GP emerald dust, 100 GP service) You feel blessed with the grace of a cat.
The wearer’s Dexterity score increases by +1. This tattoo will not raise the wearer’s Dexterity score above 20. An Ornate variant of this tattoo can raise the wearer’s Dexterity score above 20, but not above 30. This variant is twice as difficult to administer.   Spirit of the Eagle (2200 GP aquamarine dust, 100 GP service) You feel blessed with the splendor of an eagle.
The wearer’s Charisma score increases by +1. This tattoo will not raise the wearer’s Charisma score above 20. An Ornate variant of this tattoo can raise the wearer’s Charisma score above 20, but not above 30. This variant is twice as difficult to administer.   Spirit of the Fox (2200 GP sapphire dust, 100 GP service) You feel blessed with the cunning of a fox.
The wearer’s Intelligence score increases by +1. This tattoo will not raise the wearer’s Intelligence score above 20. An Ornate variant of this tattoo can raise the wearer’s Intelligence score above 20, but not above 30. This variant is twice as difficult to administer.   Spirit of the Owl (2200 GP jade dust, 100 GP service) You feel blessed with the wisdom of an owl.
The wearer’s Wisdom score increases by +1. This tattoo will not raise the wearer’s Wisdom score above 20. An Ornate variant of this tattoo can raise the wearer’s Wisdom score above 20, but not above 30. This variant is twice as difficult to administer.   Mark of the Elemental (Fire) (5000 GP fire opal dust, 200 GP service) Warding flame flows around you, granting you its protection.
The wearer gains resistance to fire damage.   Mark of the Elemental (Cold) (5000 GP black sapphire dust, 200 GP service) Warding ice flows around you, granting you its protection.
The wearer gains resistance to cold damage.

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