Maekus Valeriel Character in Lonemyst | World Anvil
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Maekus Valeriel

Voidbringer Maekus Valeriel

Intensity. Everything about this Ren'dorei's presence is dark and sinister. There's a heavy intensity around him at all times, but it's not him. It's as if something is always following this Ren'dorei, something terrible. Maekus Valeriel stands at an average height for a Thalassian elf. His figure is slender, not underweight, but not exactly healthy. His silver hair falls straight down his shoulders, hiding hints at scars around his neck and collar. His eyes may seem a different color each time one sees him, switching between a deep purple and a bright, fiery orange.   This elf can usually be found in modest clothing, usually keeping his upper body and arms covered entirely. If one were to see him with no shirt, they would find dozens of scars along his body. And, strangely, the veins in his right arm glow a vibrant violet. Recently, the veins in the right side of his chest have started glowing, too

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lightly built with some muscle definition. Maekus is a recovering anorexic, with his body covered in scars from chest to toes.

Body Features

The veins on Maekus' right arm glow a bright violet from the power within. He has dozens of scars, large and small, ranging from gouges, gashes, lashings, lacerations, stab-wounds, hooks, and signs of flaying.

Identifying Characteristics

Maekus can be easily identified by his eyes, which can change from dark purple to bright orange.

Physical quirks

The fingers on Maekus' right hand always twitch and curl and flex due to the constant pain from his glowing veins. When particularly nervous, Maekus can tend to scratch his neck.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born Nothanios Valeriel, first son of Sothanios Valeriel, who was an advisor in King Anasterian's court in Silvermoon. As the first son, Nothanios was groomed to take his father's title as Lord of House Valeriel. It was a burden that, for Nothanios' whole life, he hated. He discovered early on that he loved the world, and despised the politics. During his daily lessons, he found himself watching the guards and gardeners around his home. It was all he wanted. Nothanios had two siblings, a younger brother and sister. He and his brother Lathanios were inseparable, especially after their sister Lathalia vanished at a young age. Nothanios and Lathanios were the shining future for their family. Nothanios was quick and cunning, Lathanios confident and strong. Nothanios knew his brother would become a greater leader than he ever could. Thus, they made a pact, that when their father passed, Nothanios would abdicate the mantle of leadership to his younger brother. Then, when Nothanios' first child was ready, he would take that seat. Time passed, and Nothanios joined the Farstriders, much to his father's disdain. It mattered nothing to Nothanios, however. He always preferred the dirt to the life his father wanted for him. Lathanios had his son, who he named after his older brother Nothanios. Some years later, Nothanios Valeriel was married and had his son, who he named Maekus. Maekus was everything to Nothanios. He was his pride and joy, his crowning achievement. He saw in his son, everything he could never be. And thus, Nothanios lived in happiness for thirty-eight years. His happiness turned sour, though, when he and Maekus were set upon by a group of Amani trolls in the forests of Quel'thalas. In an instant, Nothanios' world was shattered when his son died. And in that forest, cradling his son's body, he took Maekus as his own name.


Maekus is demisexual with a preference for women.


Maekus joined The Ashen Sun Accord as a Riftstrider. After Thalas'din Ren was constructed, he went on to become the Stablemaster for the city. Recently Livelle Dustbearer took him as her Advisor, where he serves to advise the Council seats overseeing the Voidsworn.

Mental Trauma

While serving as a Farstrider, Maekus was captured by Amani trolls and tortured for months until he was rescued. He is one of the few people still living who have been struck with the Voidbringer's Scythe.

Morality & Philosophy

Maekus despises violence with every fiber of his being. He has been known to publicly shame others for partaking in needless violent acts, such as brawling or hunting for sport. However, his hatred does not stop him from fighting when he must. In fact, when he does fight, he has been observed to be a brutal and unforgiving killer.

Personality Characteristics


Maekus has always sought peace. Peace of the mind, peace of the soul, peacefulness, silence. He is driven by his desire to be at peace from the demons of his past and present.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Braedeyn Dislikes: Anything that isn't Braedeyn.

Virtues & Personality perks

Temperance   Diligence   Kindness   Patience

Vices & Personality flaws

Prone to substance abuse (Clean for several months).   Stubborn   Reckless   Impulsive


Hobbies & Pets

Ma'la (Deceased): Maekus' favorite pet, a silver nightsaber. She fought faithfully by his side for many years, until she was burned alive fighting to save Thalas'din Ren. Ma'lo: Maekus' second nightsaber, who he tamed recently. She has become the beast he mainly used for scouting and hunting. And recently, she became his only beast left after Maekus gave his other pets to a menagerie.


Voice Reference: Paul Banks

Advisor to Livelle Dustbearer

Current Location
Thalas'din Ren
View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Voidbringer, Advisor to the Voidsworn, Heartbreaker, Lizard Rider, Etherfate's Apprentice, Swagsketeer, Stablemaster of Thalas'din Ren
Current Residence
Tol Barad
Dark Purple (Sometimes Orange)
Long Silver
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Blue
182 lbs
Known Languages
Thalassian, Common, Orcish, some Troll.

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