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Blood Hunter

The Blood Hunters are a fraternity more than any other class. They never had the knack for traditional spell casting, so they decided to bleed for it. Literally wielding blood magic to fight the threats that, to be honest, should be left to professional paladins. There's something almost sad about them, hurting themselves to feel powerful, going against their doctor's recommendations, but then they get that glint in their eye from a great hunt and you can see it's what makes them happiest in the world.

Blood Hunter Orders

  Order of the Ghostslayer: The attitude of Ghosthunters the TV show, but in a world with really real ghosts.   Order of the Lycan: The kinds of people who choose to be infected with Lycanthropy because it would make them stronger. Yes, there's a registry. They think they're the edgiest of all the blood hunters.   Order of the Mutant: Think microbrew dads. Guys who grow weed in their closet. Constantly concocting mutagens, always so proud of their specific homebrews that they get to name.   Order of the Profane Soul: Similarly to warlocks, these blood hunters offered themselves up in service to one of the otherworldly patrons of Loom as henchmen.  
Alternative Names
The Weekend Warrior Class


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