BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


In theory, druids should have had no involvement in the new world. Why help maintain cities, the antithesis of the natural order, when the old world had been damaged so much by rampant wishing? But the other spellcasters needed the druids, they needed their help with agriculture and beautification, to make cities where people actually wanted to live. So the druids were invited to the table to be a key part of designing the new world. They agreed; better to have a hand on the ship wheel.

Druid Circles

  Circle of Dreams: These druids are deeply aware of the relationships between the Feywild, Shadowfell, and how changes in either of them affect the material plane. They also help people who have trouble sleeping, an increasing issue in the cities.   Circle of Spores: Spellcasters would have settled on disintegrating any and all trash if it weren't for the Circle of Spores. Instead, they recycle the waste of the new world, creating new fungal life out of unliving objects. They also run all demolition through safe, but slow, degradation.   Circle of Stars: These druids believe the natural world extends beyond Loom into the stars above, and so they have begun mapping the constellations hoping to soon travel to new worlds not on other planes but across reaches of Space. Dominion is a popular destination for this circle, where their starry form allows them to explore the surface of the moon without the need to breath oxygen.   Circle of the Land: The parks department of the new world, the circle of land maintains natural areas of cities in all sorts of climates.   Circle of the Moon: Recluses who prefer to experience the city like a man-made jungle from the perspective of beasts. They report in their circles on what only animals see.   Circle of the Shepherd: They are farmers who raise all the creatures the new world needs for fur or wool, magic components, and of course food. They use conservational tactics instead of mass breeding or anything inhumane.   Circle of Wildfire: Not unlike street cleaners, if the city and the park are to intertwine with each other then there will need to be controlled burns to maintain the natural elements. Such is the job of the Circle of Wildfire. Burn men for the parks, and firefighters in buildings.  
Alternative Names
The Parks and Rec Class
Agricultural / Fishing / Forestry


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