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After the Marks of the Nine Hells began popping up the disparate paladin oaths took on the work of destroying them. Every wish upon a mark is a soul promised to the Nine Hells, another devil to fight one day when they finally return. To create hegemony between the oaths, to enforce checks and balances, the oaths unified around The High Court; nine paladin judges representing the core oaths try cases of new (and sometimes old) world crimes of wishing. Paladins of two differing oaths are partnered together to investigate crimes of wishing and bring criminals before the court for judgement before their eternal damnation.

Sacred Oaths

  Oath of Conquest: Paladins who believe their job is the front lines to the war against the devils, something they always believe is on the horizon. Called "knight tyrants" or "iron mongers" behind their backs. To put it mildly, they are the most intense paladins.   Oath of Devotion: Sometimes called jabroneys, white knights, or holy warriors, these are the most classical paladins. They hold themselves, their partners, and everyone they meet to the loftiest ideals.   Oath of Glory: They see themselves more like the superheroic Councilors than the law enforcement agents they are. To be honest there's a lot of competition within this oath to catch the eye of a dragon when they must choose a new Councilor to bond with.   Oath of Redemption: Paladins who believe that everyone deserves a second chance, the path of benevolence and justice is one that anyone can walk. Also called redeemers, they do draw the line at undead, demons, devils, and other supernatural threats.   Oath of the Ancients: Sometimes called fey knights, green knights, or antler knights, the first paladins of this oath were all elves. They believe more in defending the natural world than ideals of justice and virtue.   Oath of the Crown: Law and order only exist because of civilization, and the new world is the greatest civilization that has ever existed on Loom. These paladins, commonly known as guardians, exemplars, or sentinels, protect the tenants of society over individuals.   Oath of the Open Sea: Paladins hailing from the Plane of Water, protectors of the ocean.   Oath of the Watchers: Bound to protect the new world from extraplanar creatures summoned to the material plane via wish.   Oath of Vengeance: Avengers. Dark knights. Paladins who do not rest until the wicked are punished for their actions.   Oathbreaker: Paladins who no longer serve the High Court. After all they've seen, the things people have wished for, they think the devil legion is exactly what we deserve.  
Alternative Names
The Investigator Class


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