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Even before the new world, rogues generally operated out of cities. Spies, hired killers, bounty hunters. and thieves simply had more opportunities in well-populated places. The new world was bound to attract more of the same type. But the stakes are high in the new world. A heist could draw the ire of a dragon, or several. So to fight rogues the cities and businesses hired rogues. They are the modern security forces. Not as visible or as authoritarian as old-world guards and paladins. They spy on the populace to keep lords informed. They create and test elaborate traps to protect treasures. They protect their masters' coffers because they never imagined they could do what they love with so much security over their lifestyle.

Roguish Archetypes

  Arcane Trickster: Rogues who learn wizard spells to better counter them. They specialize in enchantment and illusion, the better to serve them as they protect noble spellcasters from the common.   Assassin: Depending on the city, when someone is sentenced to death they are not put on trial. An assassin is sent to simply put an end to them. By that same token, if you fear for your life there is nobody better to have by your side. The greatest killers and bodyguards in the world, depending on your budget.   Inquisitive: Closers or private investigators. When nobles need mysteries solved they call upon their inquisitive. But the average joe is going to get more of a hard-drinking noir type.   Mastermind: Consultants to kings, in a sense. Nobles of the new world would prefer you don't use that word. The most powerful people on Loom all have masterminds on staff to help them plan out the future of their world. You could too, but again you get what you pay for.   Phantom: Just one reality over, the Shadowfell exists in an analogue of Loom where undead live and phantoms listen. Intensely aware of how both planes inform each other, these rogues spy from one into the other. They use non-linear tactics as they flit between planes to get past enemy defences.   Scout: The most daredevil type of rogue, scouts work for the military and train especially to map the nine hells if/when the Devil Legion returns. Maze Runner shit. Scouts also act as package delivery men in new world cities. Most do both, retiring from the army to delivery without ever going on "the hell run."   Soulknife: Specialist spies, inception agents, Soulknives are meant to infiltrate enemy minds to steal (or plant) information. Almost impossible to detect as even their weapons are projections of the mind that leave no mark.   Swashbuckler: The rogue of the plane of water; duelists, and pirates. Also yacht captains and staff to the wealthy. Also pool boys.   Thief: Security chiefs who use thief's skills to guard treasure against other thieves. Ironically, better security just attracts better thieves who want to challenge themselves against said security. It's a vicious cycle.  
Alternative Names
The Security Class
Intelligence Gathering


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