BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


The dragons and their councilors didn't build the New World without making plenty of enemies that want to tear it down. There will always be mortal men and women scheming against them, but there are greater threats who imbue their chosen with magic for their own nefarious purposes. The Otherworldly Patrons are the supervillains the Council of Dragons fight against, making warlocks... their henchmen.  

Otherworldly Patrons

  The Archfey: The Queen of Night and Magic is mostly on good terms with the Council of Dragons now. They keep to the material plane and she rules the Feywild. Her son, the Lord of the Hunt, doesn't feel the same. He wants to build a new Fey Court to replace the one wiped out 500 years ago.   The Celestial: The Church of the Divine would tell you the angelic Celestial is not a true divine being. They are a lie told to coerce the impressionable into becoming warlocks. But those warlocks say something similar about the church. Could angels truly be working against the dragons?   The Fathomless: Spend enough time alone, deep underwater, and you'll start to sense a presence in the deep. Everyone says you're crazy but... it taught you some magic you never knew before. Is it all in my head? Or are the depths actually alive?   The Fiend: Any one of the Archdevils. Both working together to collect souls and competing against each other to get the most.   The Genie: Four different criminal organizations have come from each of the four elemental planes, headed by the Marids, Djinni, Efreeti, and Dao respectively.   The Great Old One: There's something out beyond the outer plane, it hungers, and it invades the deepest parts of our psyches when we're not aware. These Warlocks work to prevent anyone from traveling to the Outer Planes and potentially allowing The Great Old One in to the material plane.   The Hexblade: Blackrazor, the sentient artifact sword, empowers these warlocks through the weave. At any time in their lives a package may arrive for them containing Blackrazor itself. So long as it is around, they are to wield it and help it conclude its business until the sword can be sent on to the next warlock it needs to work through.   The Undead: In the deepest depths of the Underdark of the Shadowfell dwells the Ghouls and their Emperor; Darakhul. He holds a long standing grudge against the Council of Dragons and the legacy of the Bonner Boys who caused the literal fall of his empire.   The Undying: The surface of the Shadowfell belongs to Emerline the Lich Queen. She fears death more than anything and will stop at nothing to maintain her immortality, and create an undead army strong enough to defeat any foe.  
Alternative Names
The Henchmen Class


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