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Life, Milestone


With a victory finally under their belt, the Bonner Boys search for the means to travel to the Feywild and safely recover Cerulean.

Three shadow dragons fly toward the farm on the horizon. Time is short and there is no way the party survives this. They knock Leonis out and open the door in the floor from chapter seven. The party runs through the tunnels to eventually emerge in the goblin capital, ruined and abandoned thanks to Cerulean so long ago. Now they rest here.   Danger hands Indigo the finger of Snow Hide which he uses to reincarnate her into an Aaracockra body. She is no longer bound to Ivory. To celebrate and to recuperate Indigo conjures a heroes’ feast for everyone. They eat and are merry, Imdril and Mirian explore the ruins, Daryl teaches Snow Hide how to fly, and Indigo sleeps with Emerline. Their thoughts come back around to the to-do list. They need to find Cerulean in the Feywild.   Something nags at the back of Indigo’s thoughts, but he doesn’t really notice it. Snow Hide decides to take this opportunity to join the resistance. They’ve taken up residence among the Goliaths and now that she’s back and brand new she wants to fight. She says goodbye to Danger, gifting him a Charm of Feather Falling that will last for 10 days, and leaves with Earlang.   The party needs to get to the Feywild, but their Amulet of Planes can only go to places they’ve been and none of them have been there before. Their first thoughts go to capturing an eladrin somewhere and making them help, but then Indigo remembers another spell he’s learned; conjure fey.   Indigo conjures a fey and it’s none other than the eladrin they had picked up last adventure. She had escaped the farm when the fight got out of hand, but now the magic made her friendly to the group. She uses the amulet to take them to the Feywild. In there the capital is a glittering bathhouse resort with the sound of pixies chatter on the wind. Daryl makes contact with Cerulean. She’s in Citadel Keep, and for her no time has passed since that battle she was lost in. She’s still in it, fighting the Bear King right now. They need to get across the country to save her right now. Indigo tells the party he can do that too.   The party returns to the material plane and Indigo takes them to a small patch of brush. He uses transport via plants to create a magical link between them to the garden at Citadel Keep he preserved in chapter nineteen. They all step through the strange wooden bridge/portal.   The party hadn’t been to Citadel since the Fey Lords took it over. The Keep has been redesigned with the floating disconnected towers used in all fey architecture, the skies around the city have been blacked out to create an eternal night, and Mirian becomes overwhelmed at the sheer numbers of Fey aligned creatures around them. Because the Queen of Night and Magic stands before them with an army loyal to her.   Daryl immediately takes the party into the Feywild, but two Lunar Devils follow. The monsters that used to terrorize the party are now easy pickings in a fight. How far we’ve come. Daryl senses Cerulean just inside the keep so they run for her, but the Queen of Night and Magic plane shifts in, tackles Emerline, and plane shifts away with her. Indigo yells after her, but the others convince him to press on for Cerulean.   What they find is Cerulean beaten and bleeding in the center of this version of the Keep, with Mesikammen the Bear King standing over him. The floor breaks and Cerulean falls through, but the rest of the party fights the king. Imdril realizes his arrows have no effect so Indigo passes him the crystal staff. The Bear King turns Daryl into a bear and lets loose bees on the party. He throws honey at them and attacks with powerful bear claws. But they power through and this time Danger strikes the Bear King down before Cerulean rises from the hole and chomps down on him. Fey energies burst from his body. Honey drips down her jaw.   The Bear King is dead. The Snow Queen is dead. The party can win this.

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The Bonner Boys