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Summer Vacation



The Shadow Unit and The Bonner Boys clash on the coasts of Summer, Essonas.

The hawk returns to Indigo with letters written by the party revealing his betrayal to The Council of Dragons. He takes those letters from the hawk and destroys them before they can reach their destinations.   The Bonner Boys ride through The International Pass. All that remains of Kriegcastel’s capital. Dwarves help clear out a canal while their children badger the party for any money they can offer. One child steals Danger’s orb until he tracks the kid down and takes it back. They’re thirsty, so Jett makes it rain a little bit for them.   The Shadow Unit arrives in the beachfront city June and crashes a wedding. Emerline gets Indigo talking about love and kisses him. They spend that night together.   The next morning they find a dock with one boat left. Arconis kicks in the office door and demands the owner tell them where the Yellow Man went with the boat he stole. The dock owner points them toward the Summer Reef and they take his last boat.   The Bonner Boys catch up enough to see the ocean for the first time. Everyone soaks in the sun and takes a dip in the water except for Mirian. Singularly focused on the mission, he tracks down the dock where Gith was spotted.   When he gets there he finds there are no boats left and an incredibly rude and unhelpful owner. But he also finds something stuck in the dock itself. A map with the Summer Reef circled, in Indigo’s handwriting.   Danger comes across a wanted poster for Snowhide accusing her of regicide. Before he can fully process this, Mirian returns and they all run into Cole Mirari of all people. He tells them his dragon’s lair is nearby and invites them over. Birinj has a boat.   The Shadow Unit sails to the Summer Reef over which sits a single boat. Could it be Gith's. He is nowhere to be found when they board, but his bag is. Indigo takes from it a journal written in a language he can’t understand. They sense something beneath them and Gith appears, wielding his staff like an elemental weapon. He opens up air pockets to take himself into the sky, catches Indigo’s firebolt with an opening to a realm of fire, knocks them off his boat then sends more wind into his own sail to escape.   “Well.” Indigo says in between heavy breaths. “That staff is significant.”   Birinj’s lair is lovely and temperate. He can control the weather a little. Cole offers The Bonner Boys their boat, but he demands a price from Mirian. A rematch. Mirian grins and accepts. Cole uses magic and his mighty swings, but he’s no match for the finesse Mirian has developed with his sneak attack. Mirian wins and the party gets their boat. Before they leave Cole asks to see Mirian for a moment and tries to kiss him. Mirian stops him, tells him he appreciates the gesture but simply doesn’t feel the same way, and they leave very awkwardly.   They arrive at the Summer Reef, but there’s nothing there. A Triton leaps out of the water. She remembers them from the Pearl Tower. She tears through their sails before they kill her, leaving them drifting aimlessly in the water. Until a larger pleasure ship comes across them and allows them on board.   Once onboard Daryl meets a Tabaxi named Emelio Chesterfield, a theater producer. They discuss turning Daryl’s journal into a musical production.   Arconis yells for attention from the Shadow Unit. They’ve found Gith on a nearby volcanic island. Tuala. The party finds it too and disembarks.   Indigo casts Pass Without Trace so they can sneak up on Gith, whom they see drop an egg into the volcano’s lava. Tillon disarms Gith’s staff with an arrow, Indigo picks it up and stows it in his bag of holding. Gith uses Misty Step to escape and Emerline casts a spell to pull the egg back out of the lava. But Daryl, Danger, Mirian, and Jett all arrive to stop them. Both groups fight. Arconis is killed. The Moonlit King calls for Indigo and demands he returns to the Shadowfell immediately, even if that means leaving his unit behind. Emerline gets the egg, they attempt to get through the portal, but they lose it as they pass through. The party gets the egg and Tillon as a prisoner. But there’s no time to celebrate, for the Gold Dragon suddenly swoops down to them.   Gould attacks Danger, dropping him into the ocean near the beach. The others rush down. Danger’s orb is making the dragon aggressive toward him. Everyone convinces Gould to allow Danger to unattune to the orb. Gould quickly cools off as this happens. He tells them Leonis was captured and is being tortured in the Underdark. Gould can feel this now. The party agrees to help, but they don’t know what to do with the egg. Gould tells them to put it back in the lava, which will incubate it. They drop it in and leave on his back.   Ludomir summons Indigo and Emerline back to the Tower of the Moon where he’s locked in combat with Ulorian, the River King. The River King creates a whirlpool around Indigo and Emerline, creating an opening the Moonlit King uses to beat him into unconsciousness. Ludomir prepares to finish Ulorian, but Indigo yells for him to stop. Indigo has the willpower to stand against him, and Ludomir believes it comes from the love he shares with Emerline. He goes up to Indigo, puts his hands around Indigo’s head, and numbed him to all emotions. Then, to test him, Ludomir commands Indigo to torture Emerline until she’s on the verge of death, but never let her fall one way or the other. Indigo draws his crystal staff without a moment of hesitation and approaches Emerline to do his King’s bidding.   The party gets the latest Headlines. A kraken attacked off the shore of Summer and dragged Birinj under, killing him.

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