Silver Lynx

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The Silver Lynxes are a breed of felines trained for combat, specifically for the protection of high-priority targets. They were created by the Elves through selective breeding and Alchemy. This unit primarily specializes in the protection of alternators. They stand one meter tall on all fours and all have silver fur. They do not produce any kind of scent.


Once it is confirmed that a cub will grow to perform its protective duties, it is exposed to the scent of its target. During training, every time the lynxes are rewarded, they do so while smelling like their target to create a chemical dependence on the well-being of who will be their master once they mature. In their juvenile stage, they are placed in rooms adjacent to the alternator to learn normal vital signs and imperceptible bodily reactions. They are trained to be attentive to their emotions to defend them no matter the situation. They can even detect if their masters are allergic to any food.

Once they are adults, they are given the privilege of living with the alternator, as well as the mission to protect them. There are usually six Lynxes per target.


The Silver Lynxes have several peculiarities that make them excellent companions for high-priority targets like the alternator. The most notable is their ability to become invisible to the eye, combined with their lack of a personal scent and their stealthy feline movements, making them silent guardians no one expects.

Additionally, their fur can produce high-intensity flashes of light to blind anyone who might have bypassed their invisibility. Moreover, being trained in litters, they have great ease in communicating with barely any noise and coordinating to eliminate threats quickly. This, combined with their naturally keen sense of smell and sensitive hearing, makes them the best protectors ever.


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Aug 18, 2024 23:40 by Pandora 9

I love this. What a cool use of the military unit idea - kind of fantasy world equivalent of various service dogs/police dogs/etc. Plus, one of my personal favorite things is when someone takes a prompt and does something that's not immediately obvious (but still completely applicable) with it, like animals as military units.

Crimson Court: Dark Isekai Fantasy focusing on Court Intrigue, Politics and Complicated Relationships. And Also Wars. Still Under Construction, beware the pits.

Aug 19, 2024 00:41 by Marjorie Ariel

That's interesting that the silver lynxes don't have a natural smell, but can apparently acquire one. How does this happen?

Aug 25, 2024 18:52 by Sylver Shine

That was probably my mistake, they don't acquire a scent, they just bond through them. When a reward is given, the person that gives it erase their own scent by bathing and then grooming themselves with the scent of the future target. The breeders even use stinky robes, if possible, in order to give them the feedback.   These lynxes are always "scent free", but they are still lynxes, so they are wired to bond through smell. I didn't have time to explain it better, so once Summer Camps ends I will edit it.   Thanks for the feedback!

Aug 26, 2024 19:37 by Marjorie Ariel

Oh, I see where I misunderstood now. Under breeding, I thought "they" referred to the lynxes, but it refers to the trainers. Yeah, Summer Camp goes fast and I have already noticed mistakes in my own articles that will need to be clarified in September.