Pahyrst is a trade city on the south of the continent of Medea. It is an independent trade republic with no loyalty to any city. All nations are free to trade in Pahyrst, and while the citizens can be quite racist, there is no ban on specific races entering the city. If you are a goblin with coin to spend or merchandise to sell, Pahyrst welcomes you.
- Human (32%)
- Half-elf (22%)
- Halfling (15%)
- Gnome (10%)
- Dwarf (10%)
- Half-orc (8%)
- other (3%)
Pahyrst does not have a single person who rules, but rather a group of officials who make decisions in a parliament type
Well funded city guard, maintained walls, guard towers, military magic-users
Industry & Trade
Textile/metal/wood manufacturing, slavery, mercantilism
Shipyards, sewers, blast furnaces, roads
Magic items, lumber, textiles, steel, ships, weapons, armor.
Likelyhood of finding specific magic item: 75%
Likelyhood of finding specific magic item: 75%
Stone/wood buildings in wealthy areas, wood buildings in decent areas, and shacks in poorer areas.
Rolling hills, lakes to the west and forests northwest and northeast. A bay occupies the south and southeast.
Natural Resources
Wood, grain, wool, steel, stone
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Characters in Location
Related Reports (Primary)
Related Reports (Secondary)
Pahyrst is a slaver city, and the inhabitants are very accustomed and comfortable with this. When a slave is seen without their master, they are usually stopped by the guards or picked on by passersby. Former slaves are not uncommon, but are typically treated as second class. Collared slaves are fine once their collars are removed, but branded former slaves must go through much more to remove traces of their past, some even opting to burn their neck so the new scar tissue hides the brand.Former slaves who are unable to remove their collars or brands are usually forced into a life in the slums and do not last long before they are picked up by the guards and tossed into prison for crimes they didn't commit or starve to death on the streets. There is a rumor of an underground organization that takes care of former slaves and helps to remove their collars or brands, but those who are too proud to take their service cannot be helped.
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