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Cehanan Dohmain

In the mythos of worshippers of The Light, the battle between light and dark that will end the war for control of the world, Cehanan Dohmain, is either the victory for the forces of good and protection for the people of the first world for the rest of eternity, or a catastrophe that subjugates everyone to the powers of evil. The outcome of the battle cannot be known, and worshippers of The Light are forever preparing for it and warning others of its coming.   In the modern understanding of circumstances the great battle Cehanan Dohmain will begin when the forces of evil conspire to open a set or rifts much like what occurred during the Cataclysm that will allow the forces of evil to return en masse. The people of Lorgaire will be forced to fend for themselves, cut off from the support of goodly outer realms, and deceived and betrayed in their time of need by fickle allies. Doomsayers and violent cultist factions may believe Cehanan Dohmain already began during the Cataclysm and the majority are simply blind or deceived into thinking they are not already losing or have not already lost.   During the battle lords of death and destruction will roam the face of Lorgaire, and face off against the Champions of The Light. Myths depict the Champions as paragons of good, possessed of a variety of mysterious powers not unlike epic versions of those wielded by common paladins and clerics. Champions are not believed to all know of their power until the time comes for their confrontation with the forces of evil to be unleashed during the battle between light and dark.   In preparation for Cehanan Dohmain believers pursue many strategies, such as culling undead from the world, missionary ventures to proselytize, and gathering resources and building fortifications for war. One widespread method is building the army for the forces of good by encouraging large families, which in some circles of belief includes multiple mairages or partners for elite knights, paladins, and clerics to increase the number of Champions of The Light available for the battle of light and dark, and even perhaps some secretive programs of selective breeding to produce the most powerful and virtuous Champions possible.     - -   Originally written for 2024 Summer Camp challenge answering Myth A myth or prophecy about the end of the world


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