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Devilsblood Crystal

Found within the Devilspine Ridge inland from the shores of western King's Bay and below the East Hirnanus mountains, devilsblood crystals are a unique variety of violet sapphire stricken with dark red rutile inclusions. While similar gems would be considered quite valuable by most people, these visually striking and abundant specimens are avoided by most for their deleterious effects. Many locals believe the area surrounding Devilspine Ridge is cursed and avoid traveling along either the highland or lowland roads that traverse the region, and dangerous creatures have been known to congregate in its vicinity and to collect devilsblood crystals.   The Devilspine Ridge is so named for the belt of dark ruddy columnar jointed basalt that erupts from the edge of the brackish swampland, appearing from the distance above the trees like a colossal red spinal column. Within the center of the brittle red basalt columns are veins of devilsblood crystal. Additionally a variety of dangerous creatures are said to be drawn to and feed off of the devilsblood, such as harpies, cockatrice, manticores and of course various minor devils.   Uses for devilsblood crystal include several preparations involving sacrifice of living creatures said to be able to impart resistance to enchanted items from physical damage and wear as well as imperviousness to acid and fire. While items with devilsblood enchantments are extraodinarily resistant to mundane forms of ruin, they also carry with them some taint or curse. An unfortunate side effect of the gems is that they also attract the phenomenon they impart a resistance to, including physical violence, and all manner of burning. For individuals who lead an already violent lifestyle this may have little effect, but the family of a merchant who accepts payments in devilsblood is likely to one day find their family head burnt alive as the shop is consumed in a conflagration after the shopkeeper is robbed and stabbed. If some superstitious locals catch you trying to pass them a piece of devilsblood, you may find yourself chased out of town if an angry mob doesn't hang you for witchcraft.     - -   Originally written for 2024 Summer Camp challenge answering Material A material that is resistant to decay


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