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Dukes of Aupstelus

The high kings and emperors ruling the region surrounding King's Bay have held power over many subjects great and small with titles humble and ostentatious, but those enduring the greatest spans have been the Dukes of Aupstelus. First kings in their own right under the high king of Scepterstone, they became Dukes under the first Emperor of Aupstelus. After the fall of the empire, most heirs to the titles of the duchies kept them, in addition to reclaiming their kingly monikers.   Later claimants to the titles of high king or emperor have brought some or all of the Dukes of Aupstelus under their rule, and doing so or holding claim to them as vassals is frequently the battle in which such claimants rise or fall. Recognised today as a Duke of Aupstelus by one or more peers are:  
Duke Mavros of Agryos
Ruling from Silver Towers near the mouth of the Asmenio river, the Mavros line of rulers moved the capital of the Duchy of Agryos to their ancestral home when power was wrested from their rivals to the north in the Sikropo river valley.  
Duke Zordaba of Turagir
Ruling from Tarijador near the union of the upper Ib and Garba rivers, the Zordaba and previous lines of rulers from Turagir have been critical to the stability of many of their peers downriver, including those on Scepterstone.  
Duke Marcannai of Echtarfal
Ruling from Conboll sitting above the Dothach Sound, the line of Marcannai Dukes is longer than any other seat from old Aupstelus. Their support for the hopeful high rulers of the region is perceived by some as a significant symbol of legitimacy, even though their armies and fleets are often the smallest.  
Duke Undarix of Scepterstone
Ruling from Seastack and the cold water port of Altous Harbor, the Duchy of Scepterstone was created later when the region was dominated by rulers of the Ib river valley. The seat of the supreme ruler of Scepterstone has been in the fortress of Seastack overlooking the island's naval fleet for most of its human occupied history, transitioning briefly to other sites on the island only temporarily during its long and conflic filled history.  
Duke Hastauret of Hastauret
Ruling from the tower of Kesafit overlooking the mouth of the Ib river, the dukes and mage kings of Hastauret have often been the last resistance to rule by others, and have at times been the high seat of the region. Boasting large stretches of the most fertile lands, their larger populations have produced greater numbers of warriors and sparks. The kings of Hastauret have also raised and destroyed more of their ducal peers than any other.  
Duke Meurleu of Meurleu
Ruling from Roegmar and the Basclovis Bay, the dukes of Meurleu have been both reluctant and eager to be part of the pacts of the King's Bay region, depending on their need to repel invading influences from elsewhere in the Boranes.   - -   Originally written for challenge answering Rank A LEADER OR HIGH-RANKING PERSON IN AN ORGANIZATION


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Aug 20, 2024 23:26 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Intriguing and informative article.   Thank you so much for entering this article category! Quite an interesting read. If you would like me to feature it on one of my reading streams, please feel free to drop by my Twitch channel anytime I'm live and let me know you're watching. (check the schedule here). God bless and much success with your future plans! <3