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Hierex Pterion

The elite order of knights and warriors based in the fortress town of Kanokast, along the western shores of King's Bay, are today known as the finest and most reliable guardians and policing force capable of quelling unrest or gaining a lasting control of seized assets. While Kanokast and the Mark of Kyrkoia have long been subjects of the House of Mavros ruling the Asmenio River basin to their west, a great latitude has traditionally been given to their choice of clients. In return the Hierex Pterion have never openly operated against the wishes of the patriarch of the Mavros.   Originating as a mercenary company serving merchants of the region, guarding goods in transport or storage, the Hierex Pterion built their reputation and fortune. Organizing and settling among the western hills of Kyrkoia within a short march of the strongholds of the Mavros, they could have posed a looming threat to the reigning lord. Adroit negotiators, the Mavros forged ties with the fledgling power and aided in organizing them into a knightly order, subsequently committing some of their own blood to its ranks. Foes of the Mavros have often objected to this arrangement, with the order acting in conflicts counter to agreements or treaties made by the crown.   Often the only sound argument or justification for the latitude granted to the order is their focus on defense and security. Its companies are rarely involved in the offensive actions that seize sites or lands, and are instead swiftly moved into place after such actions are taken to hold them. When securing hostile locals or quelling civil unrest the order is firm, but does not suffer the reputation for brutality or callousness common to other mercenaries or soldiers of fortune.   The order is currently led by Lord Commander Elias Nikolaidis and his second, Sir Stefano Mavros, a cousin of the king.   --   Originally written for 2024 Summer Camp challenge answering Formation A UNIT DEDICATED TO GUARDING SOMEONE OR SOMETHING


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Aug 3, 2024 23:55 by Marjorie Ariel

A disappointly accurate origin story. Though it's nice to hear they're not as brutal as other forces.