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Names From The Comb

It is common across all cultures to be reminded of the ancestors of the young when observing their behavior or features, but traditional among followers of Marceila Soul Spinner of the Celestia it is also common to call the child by the names of the deceased whose souls have been unwound by Cheteni The Reclaimer, passing their fibers of being through her combs, and possibly returned by her mistress the Soul Spinner as she gathers a new soul on her spindle. These Names From The Comb serve both to give comfort to those mourning the loss of their loved ones, but also as a way to remind the young of their responsibility to remember them.   Believing that they will not be lost upon death, but could return in part or whole in the next generation is also a solace to the elderly, infirm, and to many individuals who long for a chance to have done things differently with their life. This manner of reincarnation allows a future version of ones self to be better, smarter, skilled in weaving magic or with some other talent they do not possess in their current form by the addiiton of new fibers to the thread of their soul when they are recreated by the Braid of Fate Marceila.   There is also a risk, as the next thread may incorporate tainted fibers, bringing vices and otherworldly corruption. It is also possible that some Names From The Comb can be a curse or warning, not to repeat the ill deeds of those passed.   The youth is often allowed to select one of these Names From The Comb during their coming of age ceremony to replace or add to their given or birth name. A sign of ultimate respect the young adult may now continue on in the path of the remembered.   - -   Originally written for 2024 Summer Camp challenge answering Ritual A TRADITION THAT GIVES COMFORT


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Aug 20, 2024 00:17 by Deleyna Marr

Fascinating! I love the way you have used the language of weaving throughout the article.
