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Sewage Dipper

An urban version of the dwarven Dung Collector, the Sewage Dippers ply the gutters and drainage tunnels of cities to gather valuable organic waste to feed the underground forests of fungi cultivated by the dwarves. Using less overt or active methods than their rural counterparts, the Sewage Dippers often employ the famed engineering and masonry prowess of the Dwarves to automatically collect large quantities of material from a city close to a colony, perhaps even surrounding them.   These reclaimers of night soils are regularly looked down upon by members of other races in the communities surrounding the dwarven colony, who do not view the gathered material as a valuable asset, or the task of collecting it as vital to the community beyond removing filth. Among the dwarves however, Sewage Dippers and related workers are as highly respected and valued as miners and gatherers of other resources vital to the growth and maintenance of the community.   Materials gathered by the Sewage Dippers are typically processed by naturalist weavers such as the earthbellows of Shodnah Earthsong, often within newly carved chambers the effluent has been deposited into by a carefully constructed and managed underground irrigation system. After a deep pool has been reduced to a rich bed by the naturalists it will be blessed and anointed by spore wardens and growth will be managed by the grovesingers, with small additions added each season by the Sewage Dippers through their management of the gates of the irrigation system.   Some large settlements of humans challenged with filth and disease resulting from poorly managed waste may even encourage a dwarven colony to form in their midst, knowing the stout folk will not only gather and dispose of their refuse, but take on the challenges of reforming and improving an area that was previously a slum or other blight on the community. The residents displaced do not always welcome these new neighbors however, and other craftsmen or fertilizer traders may not enjoy the competition brought by the dwarves.     - -   Originally written for 2024 Summer Camp challenge Profession A profession that is considered dirty


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