BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


A small percentage of the populous are naturally gifted with the ability to weave spells. Another small percentage are capable of learning to weave spells given the right academic or practical training. Together these Sparks, as many cultures call them, make up a valuable pool of talent, and fill roles as soldiers, craftsmen, doctors, and other specialist fated to accrue advantage for society and themselves. Many organizations exist solely to identify these people early, and put them on the 'right' path to better society or the nation. Great and powerful nations have often conscripted their Sparks and channeled them into various public services in exchange for the training and education they are granted.   To be a Spark is a natural talent or gift to be envied in most societies, setting the individual on a course to high esteem, knowledge, wealth, or adventure. Yet among some the Sparks, or certain sub-types of them, are seen as corrupt, unnatural, or abominations tainted by powers of the outer realms. A fine line may exist in the distinction or treatment of a chosen one of a revered deity receiving their gifts from a higher power, and a warlock suspected of receiving their gifts from a demon or horror of a nightmare realm. Flight from or fear of the tests given to detect those with the capacity to learn to be a Spark are less common than among those spontaneously demonstrating the ability. Even being suspected of carrying a bloodline associated with a taboo otherworldly affiliation can lead to dire consequences or persecution.   In addition to filling the ranks of their armies, hospitals or smithies, many leaders wish to accumulate well trained Sparks to build and maintain public works beyond the abilities of a single master. Through ritual casting a legion of these weakly talented weavers may build or enchant capital infrastructure that may have once been the casual tinkering of the ancients, but no individual today is likely to be capable of. The Ring Gates built and maintained in major cities of several nations are a chief example of these feats.     --   Originally written for 2024 Summer Camp challenge, a Wild Card option answering Ethnicity A SUB-CULTURE CONSIDERED LARGER-THAN-LIFE BY SOME


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