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Summer Camp '24 Reflections

One big take away for me from Summer Camp is that I would like to continue this semi-random inspiration until the next big WorldAnvil event comes along. I'd like to try to maintain a 1 article per week, and 1 map per month average of adding material to Lorgaire. To that end I'll leave this link here to the prompts page, which it took me a while to find again:  
Worldbuilding Prompts
  I've lost track of the prompts page in the past, now I'll have a quick path back to it. Maybe some other worldbuilders will find some inspiraiton in it too.  
Review of My Goal and Work
I was unsure if I'd be able to dedicate enough time to reach the higher article number goals, but I set myself the target of gold. With some dreadfully hot summer weather and canceled game sessions it turned out I had the time reach diamond after all with 35 articles.   My homework page and list of event articles could have been dressed up a bit better but it served the purpose. For future events I'd like to make sure I have something a little more inviting like the Cabinet of Curiosities page I made.   While I wish my articles had foccussed a bit more tightly on the gaps in my Discovery Campaign adventure preparations, I feel like I managed to achieve the goal of fleshing out the cultures and nations near the adventure locations, considering the article total for the world was increased by over 40%. My worldbuilders disease will probably mean I never entirely feel enough has been done.  
Inspiration from the Works of Others
With a general design/style goal of making my articles more engaging in the sense that readers are compelled to "go down a rabbit hole" following enticing links, I'd like to utilize some more of WorldAnvil's accessory sections, columns and widgets like some of the following worldbuilders:   These fine folks have some engaging in-line inserts with quotes for characters and historical or cultural figures that add a special kind of life to a world's articles: Jarhed's The Zhizhu Wall; drunkenpanda951's The Whispers of Ebon Hollow;   In Glowroot Stew the use of the container to give the 'story' style article a distinguishing theme is something I want to try. I haven't had much luck with containers yet, but I've done some 'story' articles and feel like this kind of distinguishing character has been missing from them.   These worldbuilders have capitalized on the sidebar in ways that I would really like to be doing with my articles, to give readers another quick connection to more material: xamazing's The Grand Brass Tower; EBelt's The Ophidel Bunker; Violin99's The Revolution.   And in Duby Bread Tanai is using the sidebar for a recipe. I want to do that for my craftable items to inspire players with goals for strange items to search for.   Craddock's Tavern reminds me that my map's have articles I need to fill out. They're a natural draw, and I've let mine languish.   Some tools in articles that will help my players integrate their character concepts with the world: In Mardrena's Orn Orn Grast, Khanphe includes some tables, and I'd really like to do that for my cultures and ethnicities.   In Royalfa's Kyran there is a spoiler, and I want to include more of them in my articles. I really enjoy sharing information with my readers and players, but want to make it clear that the characters don't possess the same omniscient level of knowledge.     - -   Originally written to wrap up the 2024 Summer Camp series of articles.


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