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Veiled Prince's Path

Language of sneaks, thieves, and tricksters; Aenighma's Cant or the Veiled Prince's Path ranges from simple tricks of inversion or obfuscation to complex and artful subtleties. It is not a language itself, but a method of turning language into a puzzle. Masters of the Path can be found speaking to the courts of majestic lords, and on the crooked fingers of beggars in their sewers, and in the furtive glances of thieves in their dungeons.   Attempting to listen to a missionary of Aenighma the Whisper In The Dark give a sermon to the faithful of members of the Umbrane hidden among a crowd is, for the uninitiated, as unintelligible as the ravings of a drunken madman. One of his high priests could stand side by side with the clergy from a Sovereign Host temple and preach the Shadowed Hand's ways in the speech of the Path without one of them realizing he wasn't praising the local architecture. Initiates to Aenighma's priesthood must first learn the Path to even know where to begin their training.   Cabals of warlocks and thieves guilds will use the Veiled Prince's Path to signal the location of their hidden meeting places, and carry out their schemes on unsuspecting rubes and chattel in public. They should be wary however, as the puzzles they craft in their speech and gestures may be solved by clever and diligent observers if it is not keyed or coded properly. Followers of Tuteala the Watchwarden are keen observers ready to detect infiltration of their domain, and the faithful of Caccia are alert warriors blessed with Fortunes Arrow's luck and charm ready to take down dark messengers.     - -   Originally written for 2024 Summer Camp challenge answering Language SLANG OR A LANGUAGE ASSOCIATED WITH A RELIGION OR BELIEF.


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