Dragon's Blood Material in LosAngeles | World Anvil
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Dragon's Blood

We don't sell this to humans

  "Naomi, hand me that brown bottle up there," Morgan said with her head still down in her book, while at the same time stirring the small copper pot atop a bunsen burner. "No the other one. Top shelf, all the way to the right. Yes, that one."   Naomi stepped down from the stool and handed Morgan the perfume-sized bottle. "What is it?" As she asked, Morgan uncorked the bottle, and Naomi caught the aroma of what was inside. "It smells lovely, like earth, depth, flowers, and musk."   "Yes, it is a lovely smell, isn't it. And look at this color." Morgan took a pipette and carefully measured a milliliter of a deep red liquid.   "Oh my goodness, Morgan, is that blood? What kind of medicinal are you teaching me?"   "Relax, it isn't blood. At least not the kind you're thinking." Morgan poured the liquid into the small pot that was simmering away. The entire room filled with the fragrance and a red haze, as if the room was dreaming of incense and photography. "Close your eyes, Naomi, what do you see?"   She did and caught her breath. "Oh Morgan, it's so real. I see a vast field... a desert? There is this magnificent tree, it seems mushroom shaped. It's got narrow leaves, and I think yellow flowers."   "Good. Naomi, your sight continues to be scary impressive. Can you touch it? Walk up to it. Tell me what you see up close."   "Well, you know who my mom is. It's the one thing she gave me that actually has value..."    "Watch it. Respect your elders."   With her eyes, still closed, Naomi took a few steps forward and reached her hand out. Her fingers trailing the air. "I can feel it. I can smell it. Morgan, it's oozing red sap. It looks like it's bleeding. Please don't tell me you want me to taste it."   "No, no. Open your eyes now." Morgan had poured another tiny amount of the liquid into an impossibly small vile. "Here. Keep this on you. This red liquid is dragon's blood.    "Dragon's blood! Dragons are real?!"   "What? No. Well, I don't know, but this is from a tree. It comes from several tree species. Many covens on this side of the mountain use Calamus rotang, or common rattan. It's native to South Asia, and you can use the tree to make furniture and wicker items. Our coven uses the resin from Dracaena cinnabari, a tree native to a couple of islands in the Arabian Sea. All of them have medicinal power, to heal wounds or aid with certain digestion problems. This one, though," Morgan said closing the tiny vile and putting it in Naomi's hand. "This one is the rarest of them, from a small area in western Morocco. And this particular bottle is from one singular tree, the Dracaena cinnabari morgana." Morgan was now clutching the brown bottle to her chest and smiling.   "Uh... you seem rather attached to that particular bottle from one singular tree. Morgana? Did you grow the tree yourself or something?" Naomi asked. She pocketed the tiny vile in her jeans.   Morgan moved to put the bottle back on the top shelf. She also had to use the step stool to reach. "Well as a matter of fact, I did grow the tree myself. I spent years talking to it, spelling it, crafting it, and caring for it. It's why my salve works and why I charge so much for it. And once we're done with this salve, I'm going to teach you how to harvest its sap without getting caught."   "First, you didn't tell me how to make that salve. You've just had me fetching this and that. Second, aren't these trees in Morocco? Third, why don't you have one in your giant garden? You have everything but coffee back there."   "Quite right. First - Why don't you start making a batch. Start up another bunsen burner and follow this recipe. It's quite easy, as you saw. Jojoba oil, vitamin E oil, lanolin oil, lecithin capsules, the dragon's blood, and finally, a tiny piece of willow bark. The trick is to keep the heat consistent, which is easy with the burner, measure accurately, and ensure complete blending." Morgan placed willow bark into her own pot.   "Second, the trees are in Morocco, yes. Probably by way of Portugal several centuries ago, but I'm not sure. In any case, plants travel, dear. And have for some time. I don't have one in my garden because, well, it's a long story for another time. Suffice it to say that my dragon tree is now owned by the city of Beverly Hills. Let's call it our dragon tree, shall we? It happens to be in public view in a park. So harvesting the resin is a bit tricky. We can't just go poking holes in it. We've got to cloak both ourselves and our actions. Lucky for you, you're learning from the best charm maker in the country."   "And the most modest."   "Look at all of those medals over there, Ms. Sass. Most Effective Charm, Most Reliable Charm, Most Risky Charm, Most Complex... the list goes on, sweetheart. You're lucky your mom and I are friends."   "She's paying you!"   "Yes, well... I don't just take anyone as an apprentice. By the way, it isn't just any old dragon's blood. I spelled the tree for a reason. Just drink that tiny bit I gave you, and you'll heal immediately from whatever you're hurting from or been spelled with. This isn't pedestrian charm shop magic, Naomi. This is the real deal I'm giving you. This is for witches by witches, and we don't sell this to humans. Understand me? And being who you are, you'll need to know these things and use these things."   "Understood. I'll find a way to keep it on me. Thanks, Morgan." Naomi took the vile out of her jeans pocket and moved it to her inner coat pocket. "And sorry for being a smart ass."   "No prob. Keep the attitude, you'll need that too, hon."

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