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Aerilon, the Unforgiving

The last wilderness of Gia, Aerilon, never recovered from the Great Freeze its present self a shadow of its rich history. Today, there is only one populated city, which serves primarily as a resort for those seeking adventure in “untamed” wilds. Though logic reasons that living creatures should have gone extinct, expeditions found a thriving ecosystem, the wilds somehow adapting to their new frozen environment.
  As if the harsh conditions were not enough, most of the continent remains cut off from exploration, a magical storm swirling over the mountains casting frozen chunks of debris toward any brave enough to explore to venture into the storm.
  Brief History Aerilon was pulled from the ocean, a paradise featuring dense and flourishing flora and fauna, the Air Prime providing an ideal sanctuary for its creation, the Elven race. Based on the Prime’s desire to allow unfeathered advancement, all efforts were made to provide needs and desires, even using direct infusion of raw creation magic into the race itself. Proud of its accomplishments, it raised the protective mountain range around the Elves and created Onvalon, the first Elven city. For the first era, the population thrived, unlocking the full mortal potential of arcana.
  It was during the Great Trial that the fracturing of the Elfs occurred; the new generations were raised and taught without their God’s physical presence, and the scrolls describing the day their most accomplished were whisked away at a God’s whim. The Enlightened, viewed the Prime as their captor and the mountains their prison, deciding to leave the city and develop settlements throughout Aerilon. The Faithful maintained their connection to the Prime awaiting its return to Onvalon with those taken for the trial.
  It was the Enlightened who welcomed explorers to Aerilon during the Great Migration, establishing trade routes and incorporating new culture. As the society changed, the barriers formed between the two factions, and a connection eventually severed to the ancient city of Onvalon. Returning champions of the Great Trial were forced to choose a side bringing with their pride in their accomplishments or resentment for life forced on them. When the final lines were drawn, history became scarce on the fate of Onvalon and the Faithful.
  The Enlightened are credited with perfecting enchantments, playing a vital role during the Age of Amplification by harnessing the Amp Stone and allowing powered flight for the first time. These vessels provided their salvation as the grounds began to freeze, their inability to return to Onvalon prompting their movement to Nearon, establishing a new home for the Elven race.
  A new frozen wasteland, the continent was mostly abandoned until late in the Reemergence Era when a wealthy benefactor established a small settlement on the ruins of an ancient Elven city. Positioned on a 400ft tall plateau, Deslote provided the perfect conditions to sustain life, albeit challenging and harsh. The landscape is defined by large tundras, forests, and frozen lakes, an impossibly large winter storm permanently engulfing the central mountains denying entry to all. Deslote remains the only sustainable city. It serves as an entry point for wealthy explorers or seasoned adventurers who wish to test their mettle against the sheer power of the frozen storms.
  Geography East-West: 2116 miles North-South: 644 miles Area: 1,362,704 m2
  Aerilon is the most northern continent; its position is mischaracterized on most world maps. The continent features two distinct zones, southwestern Aerilon featuring tundras, forest, and frozen lakes, and the expansive mountain range surrounded by the swirling magical winter storm. Only a few expeditions have survived the storm, their journals documenting 170 miles per hour winds and supernatural aggressive behaviors that targeted explore
  Flora And Fauna Aerilon hosts a plethora of unique plants that have adapted to extreme exposure. Creatures tend to burrow for shelter, and vegetation forms at natural wind-breaking points, away from the harshest weather. Farming is possible, the Plat Root becoming the stable edible, their stocky bodies boiled for hours to ensure the partaker doesn’t lose a tooth.
  Aerilon hosts a great assortment of beasts that freely roam the continent; the most prized possession is the wholly mammoth, a single kill able to feed the settlement for a year. The area is wild and uncharted, with only a few dedicated paths to the mountain range and other points of interest. Consequently, beasts do not have regular contact with settlers, making them unpredictable and dangerous.
  Flametail Used as a primary ingredient for heat-based enchantments, a wild flametail can mean the difference between life and death in the frozen wasteland.
  Aerilon Artic Mammoth The lifeblood of Deslote residents, this herd animal has only one natural predator, the ancient white dragon Torsut.
  SIGNIFICANT LANDMARKS Deslote Mountain Range. Covering nearly 80% of the surface area of Aerilon, the mountains define the landscape, its massive peaks buried in thousands of heavy snows. The range is dotted with valleys, frozen lakes, and rivers, although rarely does a living soul.
  The Hallows. A shadowland full of magically altered creatures who somehow survive. This area is off-limits to sanctioned adventuring parties due to its high mortality rate.
  Impelling Fields. The last warning before arriving at the storm, this area is saturated by flying shards of ice from the size of a copper piece to a four-story building.
  Fingers of Death. The transition location between tundra conditions and the perpetual arctic storm. Large storms reach out and yank the unsuspecting into the impelling fields.
  Frozen Gyser Peaks. A natural hot spring featuring a geyser that rapidly freezes in the air after an eruption. The peaks continue to grow and thicken.
  Frozen Pearl Lake. A significant fishing resource for the city, the fish stockpile is replenished at the end of
  Torsut the Shattered Ancient Six Domain: Aerilon Mortal Form: Brooke Kreldencieth
  The bringer of the Season of the Freeze (SoF), Torsut is synonymous with the blinding snows that blanket the continents. Although historical accounts portray the beast as able to survive the Great Freeze, its roar, heard by civilizations on all continents, brings fear and uncertainty. Torsut is the most observed dragon of the Ancient Six, flying across the plains of Aerilon as the colds approach, its sighting gaining a cultural significance meaning Deslote will survive another season.
  It takes the form of an older human female known to the residents of Deslote as Brooke, the wildlife specialist who spends three seasons away from the city. Torsut’s presence on the plateau helps to stave off life-threatening storms during the coldest weeks, unofficially claiming the hearty residence as its own. For amusement, Brooke will travel with tourists to safeguard the hunting grounds from the foolish ways of mortals.
  Epimology of “the shattered.” Believed to be fierce hunters, the frozen bodies of adventurers have been found on Aerilon’s tundras, their faces still contorted in anguish. Those which remain fully intact are so frozen that any attempt to move or recover the body causes them to shatter. Those that witness these frozen corpses call them treasures of Torsut, an extension of its horde with the superstition that the identical fate rest on anyone who touches one of its shattered.
  each adventuring town, allowing the population to boom during the coldest seasons. In addition, a fishermen’s lodge provides meat every few weeks and is treated with the highest respect.
  Lath Landing. This improved ruin is the start of a frozen landbridge that connects southwest Aerilon to the southern islands, the only viable means of travel. History annotates the islands were full of trade villages, making them a popular destination for treasure hunters looking for lost enchantments.
  Odyssocus Isle. Rumored to be the birthplace of the frost giants before the Great Freeze, the society has long moved toward the more extensive mountain range as their ability to withstand cold makes them uniquely capable of living within the storm.
  Winter’s Refuge Hunting Grounds. Sanctioned hunting grounds for adventuring parties, these grounds are manipulated to ensure a successful hunt, damaging the natural environment and wildlife.
  Yeti’s Pride. One of the few Yeti colonies, the pride protects their lands at all costs. Despite an official truce, there have been more than one occasion of arms ripped off adventurers who strayed too close to the small mountain range.
  SEA TRAVEL Aerilon is the most difficult continent to reach by sea, hosting only one viable port at Deslote. Its waters allow travel for approximately 45% of the year. Crossings require specially trained navigators to reach their destination safely due to numerous pockets of underwater icebergs.
  Deslote - Thurram, Zeto Standard Vessel: 40 days Arcane-infused Vessel: 16 days Demographics Aerilon is the least populated continent of Gia, hosting a single city and approximately 300 permanent residents. Among the population, there is a disparity between common races and those more acclimated toward colder or darker environments. During the adventuring season, which lasts approximately 400 days, a wide variety of individuals arrive, the small town swelling to almost 2000 during peak weeks. An estimated 7,000 adventures flow through the city during this time, which has ballooned in recent years due to its popular guided treks and hunts.
  Culture Aerilon’s frigid and dangerous environment has shaped the population into survivalists, hunters, and gatherers who use everything at their disposal and rely heavily on all members of society. During the long nights and the 81 days of perpetual darkness, families combine to save resources and, over time, have constructed nontraditional family collectives. Homes are built with accommodations for a dozen people, typically circular, with a central heating pillar of brick and iron for the entire house.
  The permanent residents hold a stringent family mentality, underlining mistrust for strangers, and a rigorous protection viewpoint. While hosting countless guests, the residents remain vigilant to any harm that could befall their homes or the accepted Deslote family. When guests are asleep, citizens share ever-flowing tankards and provide updates to a host of generous tippers or those that most definitely will cause issues. During the off-season, residents swap horror stories as a primary means of entertainment.
  Governance Current Owner: Bailey Estate
  Aerilon does not possess a centralized law system or government-paid infrastructure and has been classified as private land under the Bailey Estate. As such, yearly land fees are paid to the estate with express permission required for new construction. This power only extends on the plateau, with the wilds being free to claim if you are brave enough to settle it.
  Unsavory behavior is typically dealt with on a family or collective basis, with highly detrimental conduct resulting in expulsion by ship or tundra, obviously with no refunds included. With such extreme punishment methods, the city is a generally safe location with visitors and citizens alike obeying cultural norms.
  Shadow Walker Lodges While not in an official capacity, the Shadow Walker Ranger Guild does provide a semblance of organized authority, with their guidance typically respected by all. Dealing with the most dangerous and hearty of the beast, the guild comprises seasoned veterans seeking a simpler life in their elder years. While capable, the dangers of Aerilon have less of a brute force and a more experience solution.
  VIOLATIONS Minor: Unarmed combat; yelling and screaming Major: exile Economics The primary economic stability is tourism, explicitly hunting, exploring, and winter resorts. Expedition
  slots are typically booked for several years. However, enough coins may increase your chances of a last-minute slot opening. Adventurers are treated like conquering heroes, their coin lining the pockets of the performers and local businesses, the rate inching higher each year. Residents have an internal motto, “a journey is never complete until an adventurer’s pockets are unburdened.”
  Because of its austere conditions, Deslote relies heavily on imports to sustain the permanent population and the tourist season. Regional delicacies, wine, and spirits are imported at the start of the season. However, the local brewery has exclusive rights to mead and ale production, a continuous process throughout the year. Generally, the first and last vessels of the year are reserved for required resources, a venture protected at all costs.

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