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Founded: 587 GT Population:~60,000 Purpose: Capital Current Ruler: Emperor Rhogar Duthdar Crowned the capital city following the destruction of Anook, Dimbar now serves as the home to the royal family and central governance for the entire Empire. Before this honor, Dimbar was little more than a mining colony designed to harvest Mythril from the surrounding mountains. Since becoming the seat of power, Dimbar was revolutionized and tailored to suit the elegance and symmetry beloved by the Empire. Although the bones are quite old, the reconstruction has made Dimbar the new crowing jewel; each house, street, or business is carefully planned and approved by the royal builders.   The beloved Inner City host the royal family with admittance by written invitation only. Inside its red brick with gold trim walls resides an oasis for the most privileged, a micro-civilization without the need to depart. It is common for those in the line of succession to live their entire lives within these walls, only leaving for official travel or the assumption of rule for the three sections of the Empire.   Outside the inner city, the city is constructed with perfect symmetry and color coordination broken into four distinct districts, each featuring a massive encircled courtyard dubbed the Rings of Designation. The streets, gardens, and ponds are maintained in perfect order. Residents are selected from the most elite, their livelihood supplemented by the Empire to ensure proper protocols are always displayed. Those that call the capital home are essentially paid actors, a living role that provides them with all they need.   Such things are the will of the Emperor and are obeyed to the letter, reinforced by roaming patrols of the Royal Guard. Faults are corrected on the spot, typically followed by protocol inquisitions. Though infrequent, the city must be ready to receive a royal at any moment, a requirement that drives most efforts within the city.   Despite these requirements, residents remain by choice rather than decree, preferring to exemplify the Duthdar culture for respect or financial purposes. The Emperor is held in the highest regard, with not a single negative word uttered in a public forum.   City Dynamics A Performance. Essentially paid actors, all residents do not share the same loyalty to the rigid Duthdar culture. In private homes or hidden taverns, a listener might hear a less-than-ideal perception of the capital and the resources spent to ensure its upkeep. Unfortunately, culture is the law for the Royal Guards, who are constantly on alert for rumors of these secret meetings, expelling or applying appropriate punishment for those found within.   Significant Locations Hall of Emperors. An elaborate hall of remembrance for past rulers, the hall draws the line of rule back to the first Dragonborn. Initially constructed in Anook, the Empire lost many valuable pieces of historical evidence when the city was destroyed. However, adventurers who brave the corrupted ruins and return with such artifacts are rewarded handsomely.   Inner City. Surrounded by high walls and sentries, only those with permission can enter and witness its beauty. Within, you will find a harmonious state of being, the residents walking the meadows or having desserts under the large pink flowered trees that continuously sway through arcane means.   Mythril Ferry and Mining Facility. Artificially obscured by land features, this massive industrial compound on the northern lake processes and refines raw Mythril from the surrounding mountains. Great care is taken to prevent the facility from interfering with the Emperor’s perception, including shutting down smelters during periods of unfavorable wind direction.   Rings of Designation. Four perfect 8-foot high rings, measuring a half mile in diameter, surround the inner city in the four cardinal directions. Each circle has a designated purpose and theme, with each structure following strict construction guidance to ensure uniformity.

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