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Founded: 1 GF Population: 3,000 Purpose: Arcane Study Current Ruler: Elder Council Militia: Curu (Magic) The only city founded during the Great Freeze, the Elves, who left Onvalon (enlightened), pressed their raw arcana into great flying ships and, by the grace of the Gods, were drawn to a Seam of Creation. This source of unfathomable energy’s location has been shielded since creation. In haste, their ships were disassembled, and their arcane cores reconfigured to harness the creation magic. Under this protective barrier, the Elves survived.   When the lands thawed, the Enlightened were the first to venture into the altered landscape, bringing relics of immense power to aid civilization as they emerged. But, instead of gratitude for what was given, there was a longing for more. The Age of Amplification was over, but many believed the Elves were the key to regaining what was lost. Thousands ravaged their lands in this pursuit as the world gradually returned to global connections.   Then they were gone. Enchanted lands barred strangers from locating their city, large mystic towers the only clue to their continued existence for more than 400 years until the Curu appeared in East Run. This is the only direct connection Mythhthaes holds with Gia, providing perfected enchantments and seeking the most skilled arcane practitioners to bring to their city. On their vessel, the Glass Sea the world catches a glimmer of the lost era, each yearning to witness the magical city of the Elves.   Today, Mythhthaes is ruled by six of the oldest families, descendants of the Enlightened of Onvalon, and tasked with preserving knowledge and expanding mortal limitations. The position is passed down from firstborn to firstborn and is respected within all levels of society. While the council might be considered the “rulers,” Elfs do not prescribe to hierarchies, or the notion of independent ownership, sharing all things for the betterment of society. This extends to all, including those accepted into the city.   City Dynamics Total Focus. For those fortunate enough to witness the city, it resembles a working university as individuals come and go, their eyes glued to parchment or discussing the newest breakthroughs. No thoughts are wasted on security, economics, time, or mundane task. When such matters require attention, it falls to their young, who, by age 10, rival most other races in intelligence and maturity. Newcomers will find they discuss lodging and service to the city with the young, a concept that adds to the mystery and wonder of the city.   Significant Locations Zenbis Academy. One of two formal learning institutes, even the most skilled outsider must attend and graduate from the academy if they wish to remain. Those that attend grow to understand that schools of magic are self-imposed limitations, a barrier which, when conquered, provides limitless applications.   Enchanter’s Chamber. The jewel of the city, this adamantine atrium, is suspended within the Seam of Creation, allowing the reallocation of magical energy from object to object or to be placed back into the planet. Access to direct creation magic infusions allows Mythhthaes enchantments to be unmatched. Those selected to specialize in this technique are considered the most accomplished practitioners.   Gateways to the World. A circle of fifty-two enchanted archways allows residents to project their ethereal form into all of Gia’s settlements. The ethereal form can observe normally but cannot directly interact. In this way, the Elves stay informed on public and private matters.   Well of Life. A naturally occurring rock formation features an endless stream of water caught by a crude shallow marble bowl. This oddity served as the focal point for the new city as it arrived in Nearon, the residents experiencing euphoria, increased intellect, prolonged life, and the ability to interact directly with the Seam of Creation after partaking.   Countless scholars have sought to understand the origin of the well, seeking an explanation for how water can contain such power. Throughout the years, many applications have been discovered to include the base ingredient in potions and quenching the most potent enchantments after creation to seal in creation magic.

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