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Yi Ti

Founded: Great Trial Population: 360,800 Purpose: Capital The last of its kind, the city of Yi Ti, was created as one of the Great Trials, a test of architectural ability and design using the arcane gifts provided by the Primes. As a result, the city is a marvel, featuring impossibly tall towers, expansive gardens, and gravity-defying expanses that bridge between each astonishing structure. These are magically preserved through ancient ways, standing the test of time and maintaining their unmatched beauty. One viewing the city from a distance will witness the crackle of energy moving downward from the towers, expanding outward to the five barrier generators encompassing the city, a constant glow filling the air.   History tells of four great cities created in this fashion. One lost to the oceans, another to famine in the now Salted Lands, the last absorbed by the Scar, the inhabitants of each thought lost with the cities themselves. Yet, Yi Ti, constructed by the Elves, remains a beacon of what is possible with access to creation magic, something sought after by practicians worldwide. Those serious about pushing their arcane limits find themselves making a pilgrimage to the city, the site reaching deep into their souls and inspiring them.   Though most of the land was destroyed by the Great Freeze, the city remained, its structures preserved, providing a beacon of hope to the wandering races which had fled the Darngarum Mountains. As the sun warmed the surface, the city gardens and surrounding lands sprang to life, and it was here that the Western Realm was born. It was with great reluctance that the first explorers left the safety of the city, its prestige and impenetrable barrier, a safety each knew they would never find again. Thus, the city swelled in population, each tower occupied, and each house split to accommodate all that arrived.   Today, the city is the seat of power for the Burrow family, who govern the Western Realm and wage war with the Dwarves of Darngarum. On its expanses, towers, and courtyards, one will find residents and tourists attempting to conduct their daily tasks, crowds a perpetual problem and common complaint. But, no matter the concern, one does not give up their home in the city; death is usually the cause of an opening for those waiting in the Holding Colonies.   City Dynamics A Guarded Secret. Rebellions and continuous warfare against the Dwarves have created an air of caution when speaking about the defensive capabilities of the city, tactics of the Salazar, or anything that could be exploited. Unfortunately, too many probing questions will find the asker in the arcane cells beneath the various barrier outpost of the city.   Welcoming and Accommodating. A slight to the Dwarves, all races are welcome within the city, and the population is generally more pleasant toward outside cultures and norms. Unfortunately, this has led to overpopulation and strain on existing infrastructure as no new structures are permitted as they would be inferior in design. To accommodate, staying with friends and family with no limit on time in the city is expected.   Significant Locations Overseer Spire. The tallest and most gradual spire is home to the Burrow family, who oversees the city and surrounding landscape. The top of the tower frequently detaches, allowing the city to float around the city as required to conduct its business transactions.   Shield Barrier Outposts. Five outposts must be activated simultaneously to activate the arcane barrier that protects the city. An entire Salazar garrison is stationed at each, with the Operator being the most respected position within the organization. Oddly, these outpost hosts long-term underground prisons with most inmates never seen again.   Shield Generator. Anchored in the city’s center, the shield generator is the last powered Amp Crystal, traditionally used as the engine for sky ships during the MION Era. When the orbit of Gia changed, all Amp Crystals, sans this one, grew dull and unresponsive. This barrier has been activated often, particularly during special ceremonies, as a sign of strength. Nothing can enter or exit the city when the wall is up, even through teleportation.   Wall of Disenchantment. Spurred by the paranoia of invasion forces, these series of archways are the only way into the inner city and host a potent dispel magic auro that removes any attempt to disguise your identity. However, the wall does affect all magical items for a short while, allowing Salazar to manually inspect those they wish without fear of facing powerful magical artifacts.

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