Westside School for Boys

Established in 1991, Westside School for Boys is a distinctive institution that stands apart from its educational counterparts. Tucked within the city's landscape, this school is defined not by the pursuit of academic excellence, but by a singular focus on physical prowess and masculinity. As the years have gone by, Westside has become a haven for athletes and those who prioritize brawn over brainpower, where student gangs measure their worth in muscle and might.   At Westside School for Boys, the very essence of reputation is rooted in brute strength. Student gangs, rather than being defined by intelligence or nuanced skills, are driven by the raw power that their members wield. The ethos of masculinity and physical dominance permeates the campus, shaping the behavior and attitudes of the students who roam its halls.   While other institutions place a premium on academic achievements, Westside flips the script. Here, being an athlete and showcasing physical prowess are valued above all else. The school's corridors echo with the thud of weights hitting the floor, and the classrooms are filled with discussions of sports, training regimes, and feats of strength. The belief that a well-built physique can open doors eclipses any notion of intellectual growth.   The faculty at Westside School for Boys reflects this singular perspective. Comprising entirely male teachers, the emphasis on physical ability often takes precedence over grading based on traditional academics. Students find themselves graded not just on their test scores, but on their athletic performance as well. This unique approach to assessment has created an environment where students are driven to push their physical limits, sometimes at the expense of their intellectual pursuits.   However, this focus on physicality has had unintended consequences. The school's system of grading and evaluation has led to students resorting to bribing teachers to secure favorable grades, further perpetuating a culture of manipulation and disengagement from genuine learning. The pursuit of brawn over brainpower has created an environment where shortcuts and underhanded tactics are sometimes the norm.
Founding Date
Educational, School/Academy


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