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In the days of the First War, an era that marked the initial curiosity of myriad nations towards Luyarnha, a scattering of Dwarves from far-flung reaches of the world found themselves irresistibly drawn to this beleaguered city, a crucible of turmoil and devastation. Amongst those who joined the cause, the majority were mercenaries, whilst others were noble souls seeking to lend aid, and finally a few harbored ambitions of extracting wealth from the faltering nation. As the tides of war shifted, those Dwarves who had chosen to engage in the struggle were offered homes and gold in gratitude for their service, persuading many to remain, forever entwining their destinies with that of the city. The few families that had settled in Luyarnha commenced the trade of precious ores, using their connection to their homeland and harnessing the sophisticated railway system already in place there, thus expanding it within the very walls of the city-state.  

The Long Night

  A multitude of dwarves had chosen to dwell within the Waterfront district, where the central railway terminus lay, and the ships dock, their shared culture fostering a harmonious coexistence. In a mutually beneficial relationship, they imbued the district with distinct dwarven elements, adding to the gothic architectural landscape and bequeathing the area with a unique aesthetic that endures to this day.   One fateful night, there was a coordinated kidnapping, spiriting away hundreds of dwarves in the span of a single, darkened eve — the Long Night. Wanted posters soon plastered the city streets, while the cursed bloods and scions marshaled their forces, and the church dispatched their hunters, all determined to unearth the truth behind the sudden, inexplicable vanishings. And, as mysteriously as they had vanished, the dwarves reappeared, slumbering upon the shoreline, fragrant with the potent aroma of alcohol. The House of Blood's interrogations yielded naught, and soon town criers announced the incident a grand dwarven celebration of the new lunar year, characterized by inebriation and disorientation, leaving the dwarves with no clear memory of the events. Yet from that day forth, a heightened presence of hunters and wardens patrol the district, either to impart a sense of security or, perhaps, because those in authority are privy to some unsettling secret. Ever since, the dwarves of Luyarnha have felt a disquieting shift in their lives. Uncertainty lingers in the air as to how long this fragile equilibrium will endure, before another Long Night befall the remnants of dwarvenkind within Luyarnha.   Although they continue to trade and offer their expertise in architectural planning and resource gathering, these skills diminished in importance as the Scourge expanded. Many dwarves adapted their inherent talents to farming, their stout physique ideally suited for laboring within the town's greenhouses, striving alongside others to produce sustenance for the populace. A handful of thrill-seeking dwarves enlisted in the ranks of the hunters.


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