BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


In the gloaming twilight of ages past, when the world itself was young and the call of destiny echoed through the vastness of the northern plains, there arose a civilization of grace and beauty, the likes of which had never been seen before. The elven empire, a realm of fey and arcane, shone as a beacon of power, casting its imperious glow across the lands. Yet, the inexorable march of time would bear witness to the unraveling of this once-grand society, their fate inextricably intertwined with the tapestry of an arrogant world destined for change. The elves would soon find themselves at a crossroads, caught between the shadows of their illustrious past and the all too certain demise held in their future.  

Convergence of Fate

  Eons ago, the elven empire, though small in population, stood as a formidable presence, their arcane mastery eclipsing that of rival races. Alas, their splendor was not to endure, for they lost their sacred bond with the Fey, precipitating the decline of their magically sustained harvests, invigorating waters, and enchanted healing arts. Thus, they found themselves plunged into the waning years of their once-great sovereignty. The wood elves, dwelling near the Human Empire, were the first to extend the olive branch, recognizing that further conflict would hasten their own decline—a truth they carefully concealed in their negotiations. Once adept at withstanding nature's whims through their proximity to the Fey, their severed connection left them ill-prepared for the labor required to cultivate crops, construct canals, and furnish the sundry essentials needed to sustain their populace.   As their numbers waned day by day, the elves found themselves on the brink of extinction—vulnerable to any natural catastrophe, unable to reproduce in sufficient quantities, and ill-suited for the arduous labor required to sustain them. Driven by necessity, they embraced innovative ideas, and a pioneering group, after negociations, began to establish a settlement with humans, soon christened Luyarnha.   In Luyarnha, elven agricultural wisdom formed a symbiotic relationship with humanity’s resilience, shielding them from the merciless onslaught of frigid winters and searing summers. The Elves' affinity with celestial bodies endowed them with unparalleled insight into the mysteries of nature, which, when conjoined with the tireless efforts of mankind, enabled their joint civilization to flourish. As the city expanded and modernized, elven customs evolved, and the crushing tide that once threatened their survival ebbed, enabling their population not only to stave off extinction, but also to burgeon anew.  

Divinity, Nature & Science

  Once devoted to the worship of nature-centric deities, the elves gradually shifted their focus as technology progressed, seeking refuge and survival within its innovations. Though their expertise in the magical arts, particularly clerical, was unparalleled in ages past, they now predominantly occupied the roles of scholars and scientists, delving into the enigmas of the world.   Wood Elves, indigenous to Luyarnha, comprised the majority of the city's denizens. Nevertheless, additional elven kindreds would, in due course, venture into the city-state and establish residence, notably during the tranquil era subsequent to the First War, when Luyarnha proved its might to the wider world. High elves, in particular, were enticed by the city's allure, with a number opting to dwell therein. This diverse elven assembly, alongside humans and their mutual progeny, accounted for approximately three-quarters of the citizenry residing within the high walls.   The Wood Elves of Luyarnha were lithe and elegant, their visages defined by sharp features and elongated ears. Their skin tones, ranging from earthy browns to lush greens, evolved to facilitate cover within their surroundings, resonating with their sylvan origins. The urbanization of the elves led to further adaptation, their skin assuming stone gray hues and even obsidian black shades that echoed the gothic architecture around them. Yet their eyes, unaltered by change, continued to reflect the verdant hues of the forests they once inhabited, gleaming with wisdom and intellect.   In their fervent devotion, surpassing that of their human comrades, the elves persist in venerating a myriad pantheon of divine beings. They stand as the original acolytes of the Radiant One, instigating the dissemination of the faith throughout the metropolis and retaining their esteemed position as the foremost faction within the sacred congregation. In contrast, myriad other elven gods have all but evaporated into the mists of time, with the lion's share of their kindred either straying away from the divine or electing to pursue the blazing beacon of the Radiant One.  

Survival above all

  Elven society accorded little importance to nobility – though their blood was atop the throne – who in turn regarded them with indifference, deeming the elves excessively preoccupied with survival and devoid of ambition. Such accusations were not entirely unfounded, for elven fertility paled in comparison to that of humans, and their delicate constitutions made them more susceptible to illnesses, which, in the absence of suitable remedies, could rapidly turn fatal. As a result, to this day, elven aspirations often stem from a deep-seated desire to avert the extinction of their race, with the nature of such a threat transforming from a myriad afflictions into a singular plague – the Scourge.


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