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In the heart of Luyarnha, a unique and esteemed lineage arose from the union of elven and human ancestry. Half-Elves were undoubtedly cherished inhabitants of Luyarnha, in contrast to the disdain with which they were regarded in the human and elven kingdoms of old, Luyarnha provided a sanctuary where they could not only survive but thrive. Consequently, many Half-Elves, seeking to escape the scorn of their homelands, flocked to Luyarnha in its nascent years to forge new destinies and embrace the promise of a brighter future.   Emblematic of the metropolis, Half-Elves garnered respect and admiration, flourishing within the city's walls, ascending to the role of aristocrats through their noble deeds in the midst of the city’s creation, and being henceforth referred to as "noble-bloods." Among them, a prominent family emerged —the Silverblood, a name adopted to signify their royal lineage. Once secured within the upper echelons of society, half-elves began to thrive, and any who failed to attain such status in those times were either lost in the obscurity of the gothic city-state or met a tragic end at the hand of rival families.   The birth of a Half-Elf was not a common occurrence, as it required the union of pure human and pure elven parents, or that of two Half-Elves. Should their fey blood be diluted further, the offspring would either become wholly human or the fey influence would dominate, resulting in pure elven children. In an effort to preserve their distinctive heritage, the nobility maintained a close-knit familial circle, akin to the aristocracy of other realms. However, this insular approach led to increased consanguinity, birthing madness within the noble bloodline.   One tragic example of this affliction was the Godless King, a deranged Half-Elf who ascended the throne and declared the worship of any entity beyond himself and the State an act of treason. His reign of insanity was short-lived, especially so for one possessing elven blood, as the people, aided by the Radiant Church, rose up against the tyrant. In a climactic moment of rebellion, the Godless King was murdered, his head then severed from his body as a symbol of the people's revenge.   Yet, from the ashes of this dark chapter, a legend emerged. The Godless King's descendant, the illustrious Steinhardt, rose to become one of the most renowned hunters and saviors of Luyarnha, earning the adoration of the city's inhabitants and cementing his place as a true hero. Through his courage, skill, and dedication to the people, Steinhardt not only redeemed the Silverblood name but also forged a legacy that endures despite his disappearance and still inspires hunters to this day.  

Gaining Status

  Half-Elves earned their esteemed status within Luyarnha through acts of diplomacy, valor & wisdom. Their involvement in the First War saw them rise as crucial mediators, bridging the gap between races and fostering unity in times of strife, where racial blame was becoming an easy scapegoat for the populace’s struggles. Their ability to understand and appreciate the values and customs of both humans and elves granted them the unique opportunity to create lasting alliances between the two races, and bring about peace where others would have failed. This mixed heritage also granted them an edge when negotiating with other races, such as the orc and dwarves, who were likely to make deals with them rather than an individual of another race, as their blood carried no inherent in- group bias, or so they believed.   In addition, their keen intellect and charismatic presence make them fantastic leaders, and they have been known to inspire loyalty and devotion from those they lead, and keep their focus in times of struggle, capable of directing the populace towards a victorious war. Beyond their political acumen and strategic prowess, Half-Elves possess a range of other assets that set them apart from other races. Additionally, their inherent charm and natural talent for diplomacy enable them to forge connections and alliances with ease, solidifying their influence within the city and beyond.  

Strategic Minds

  In times of war, Half-Elves have displayed an exceptional capacity for strategic thinking. Their elven intuition and human adaptability make them formidable tacticians, capable of anticipating enemy movements and devising innovative battle plans. Their capacity to rally disparate forces and marshal them under a single banner has been invaluable in countless conflicts, ultimately contributing to their elevated status within Luyarnha.   Half-Elves excel not only in matters of war but also in the broader realm of strategic planning. They are often sought for their wisdom and insight, applying their intellect to solve complex problems and navigate intricate social and political networks. Their ability to see multiple perspectives allows them to create plans that account for the needs and interests of various factions, fostering stability and prosperity within Luyarnha, though many of them aren’t above making sure that these plans serves everyone, but mostly themselves, hiding this fact behind smiles and complex jargon, or simply hiding the better outcome that could be achieved, and only presenting the one benefiting them instead. Their human strength make them resilient fighters, while their long lifespans from their elven lineage grant them the benefit of accumulated knowledge and experience.  

The Sin of Pride

  Behind the stately facades of their mansions and the elegant veneer of their public personas, some Half-Elves can exhibit a sense of arrogance and haughtiness, particularly when they find themselves in the company of their own kind. Born of two worlds, they often perceive themselves as superior to both humans and elves, considering their mixed heritage as the pinnacle of racial refinement. This inflated self-image is reinforced by their numerous accomplishments and the great respect they command within Luyarnha. This pride can manifest in condescending behavior, smugness, and a propensity to dismiss the concerns of those they deem inferior. It is not uncommon for them to relish their position of power and wealth, flaunting their assets and influence to bolster their egos. This prideful demeanor, however, is not without consequence. Their arrogance can create rifts within their own ranks sowing seeds of discord, leading to the rise of rivalries, enmities, and vendettas, which are oft too common with the aristocracy and nobility, and threatens to unravel the delicate balance of power they have so skillfully maintained. Not all Half-Elves are consumed by arrogance, and many strive to rise above this flaw, recognizing the dangers it poses to themselves and the city they hold dear.


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