BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Compared to many other races, humans are blessed with incredible fertility, leading to them becoming one of the most populous races in Luyarnha. Due to the city's location in the northern reaches of the world, where the sun's rays are often veiled, the majority of humans, who descend from the original settlers, have lighter skin tones. However, the city's thriving trade, commerce, and opportunities have attracted a multitude of ethnicities. Today Luyarnha’s human population contains many pockets of diverse culture, more-so than any of the other races present within its walls.  

Builders and Thinkers

  The humans of Luyarnha have crafted magnificent edifices that pierce the heavens, defying the oppressive weight of gravity, serving as both homes and fortresses, providing sanctuary from the lurking terrors that slither in the shadows of the night. Many of the intricate stone carvings and statues that embellish the walls of the city, depicting tales of heroism and sacrifice, are a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. They have also engineered vast networks of aqueducts and sewers, ensuring that the city's inhabitants are supplied with fresh water and a means to maintain their urban environment. These marvels of human ingenuity stretch like veins beneath the city, a vital and complex circulatory system that sustains life, even amidst the encroaching gloom.   In the cultural realm, humans have merged their culture with that of the elves since the city’s founding, establishing grand libraries and academies, nurturing the arts, sciences, and the pursuit of knowledge. Within these hallowed halls, scholars and philosophers probe the mysteries of the world and the cosmos, striving to unlock the secrets that lie hidden. The arts flourished as well, with poets, musicians, and painters weaving a tapestry of experiences that both defies and embraces the constant dance of light and darkness that permeates Luyarnha.  

Sacrificial Heroes

  Humans stand as a testament to the power of resilience and adaptability. Countless courageous souls have sacrificed their lives in the hope of eradicating the terrors that loom, their spirit and bravery serving as a beacon of hope for others. While some may be more susceptible to despair, blind to the good they’ve done in the world, their contributions to the city's defense against the insidious darkness cannot be misconstrued. It’s this spirit of determination that has led humans to pour their blood, sweat, and tears into lifting Luyarnha from obscurity to the thriving city-state it was at its apogee.   Many humans take immense pride in the sacrifices their ancestors made to provide them with the lives they enjoy today. Faced with the Scourge, the majority of mankind would rather lay down their lives than let the city, which represents the legacy of their forebears, be torn asunder by mindless beasts. Their unwavering commitment to Luyarnha's survival has made humans an essential force in the city's ongoing struggle against the plague that threatens to engulf them all.   Though humans have done much to shape the city's destiny for the better, some among them are enticed by the allure of power, pursuing their ambitions with reckless abandon. In a world as interconnected as Luyarnha, the actions of a single individual can reverberate throughout the city, causing untold consequences for many.  

Wrestling With Morality

  The humans of Luyarnha remain a curiously secular people, though they have contributed significantly to the city's infrastructure and religious sites, building most of the temples and shrines that dot the cityscape, they harbor a peculiar hubris, attributing their achievements to their own capabilities rather than any divine intervention, inspiration or guidance. Despite the influence of the Radiant Church and its redemptive teachings, the human population remains largely resistant to the solace and guidance offered by the divine. In their relentless pursuit of individual achievement and self-reliance, they have become disconnected from the spiritual comfort and magic that could help them endure the grim reality of their existence, as they have for many others.   This self-aggrandizing perspective has led many of them to believe that they can rival the higher powers, though they are oftentimes proven wrong. Indeed, in their attempts to defy the heavens, humans have frequently brought greater suffering upon themselves. Faced with the recent tragic circumstances that plague their city, many have adopted a nihilistic view, considering morality a mere feat of social engineering designed to make the pain that is life bearable. This dark mindset has led many down treacherous paths, and in their attempt to prove the meaninglessness of life, and most particularly their lives, they turn into vile creatures that ultimately make life worse for everyone around them; even if the monster they become on the inside doesn’t always manifest in a terrifying outward appearance. Due to this hubris and propensity for self-destruction, humans are the ones who tend to succumb most often to the clutches of madness.   The humans of Luyarnha are complex and paradoxical: a race of great builders, thinkers, and innovators, but also a people plagued by hubris and nihilism, walking a fine line between self-actualization and self-destruction. Their achievements stand as a testament to the heights they can reach, while their flaws serve as the reminder of the depths to which they can fall. As they continue to navigate the treacherous city-state, humans have to grapple with their own nature, striking a balance between ambition and humility, in order to survive and perhaps thrive in a city teetering on the edge of madness.


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