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Nebulare Demidritch

Beneath the translucent skin of the nebulare flit constellations of multihued lights: galaxy-like swirls and nebulous clouds. In times of great peril, these colourful displays can erupt in a supernova-like display of radiant brilliance, creating localised gravitational fields that help ensure the escape, and continued proliferation, of the nebular demidritch.   Though the progenitor of the nebulare, an Outer God, has created no new nabulare for some time, the bloodline can go dormant for several generations, manifesting seemingly at random among newborns. Of course, with the Radiant Church experimentation in full swing, whether or not the recurrence of nebulare is really at random is an unanswered question.   Ability Score Increase. One ability score increases by 1.   Astral Attraction. Starting at 3rd level, you can use your action to unleash the potential energy within yourself, causing your body to erupt with power and transforming it for 1 minute.   When you first transform, each creature other than you in a 10-foot radius centered on you must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take a number of d6s of radiant damage from the explosion equal to your proficiency bonus.   While transformed in this way, you shed bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. You generate a powerful gravitational field. The area within a 20-foot radius centered on you is considered difficult terrain for creatures of your choice that you can see. Starting at level 12, this radius increases to 60 feet and you can ignore gravity, granting a flying speed of 30 feet during which you can hover.   Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.   Glow. You can cast the light cantrip on your own body at will.


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