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Within the city-state of Luyarnha dwell the Orcs, a race of imposing, grey-skinned beings marked by fearsome tusks and endowed with a remarkable flair for commerce. Rumors have it that they are bound by an ancient curse of avarice, which gnaws at the core of their being. Others contend that this unrelenting thirst for wealth is merely the result of a culture forged in hardship and adversity. The true genesis of their greed may remain shrouded in mystery, yet the Orcs, in their wisdom, sought to temper this insatiable hunger for wealth through the teachings and customs of their society.  

Wealth of Culture

  Their culture holds strong to the belief that children must prove their worth without a handout. Monetary gifts to one's offspring are deemed disgraceful, for they rob the young of the opportunity to cultivate resilience and self-reliance. Conversely, as Orcs mature, they learn to venerate those who gave the most, fostering within themselves a drive to build vast industries and businesses that generated immense wealth. This allowed them to engage in acts of profound generosity, particularly as they entered the twilight of their years. Thus, a dual nature arose within them, marked by wealth-acquisition in their youth and magnanimity in their later years.   The religious practices of the Orcs provided a moral compass to navigate their perilous lives, leading many to serve the Radiant church. The enigmatic figure at the head of this institution was himself an Orc, and many of the clergy who followed his teachings bore the same lineage. They embraced the notion that giving oneself, in the form of time and service, was as vital and noble as offering material wealth. In this way, the Orcs transformed their avarice into a force for good, finding redemption in the paradox of their existence.  

Advisors, Merchants & Warriors

  In the city-state of Luyarnha, Orcs dominated the mercantile landscape, owning businesses both small and grand. Among them was the visionary founder of the Scions, those daring scientists who harnessed the power of electricity and death to create life. His legacy persisted even after his demise, as the Scions gained a foothold within the city and established their reputation among the greatest minds.   Orcs were known for their preference for autonomy, often declining to work under the authority of others, particularly if they were of a different race. Instead, they sought complete control over their labor, believing that it was better to acquire wealth in this way, striving to build their own empires within the city. Their imposing stature towered over most other humanoids, making them ideal candidates for more physically perilous roles.   Younger Orcs, driven by the pursuit of wealth and greatness, often joined the ranks of the hunters. As protectors of their fellow citizens, they found that few professions were as selfless and rewarding as this noble pursuit. Orcish culture, more particularly their relationship with wealth, is such that they are remarkably resistant to corruption. Elders within their society hold little interest in accumulating riches, while their younger counterparts perceive bribery and similar methods of obtaining coin as dishonorable and disrespectful. To accept such offerings is to admit one's own inability to acquire wealth, an affront to the self-reliance that orcs value so dearly. Such resolution against the allure of corruption has led numerous elder orcs to occupy advisory positions within the political and religious institutions of the city. Their counsel, untainted by the temptations of material gain, springs from an earnest desire to assist and guide those in need, thus, their wisdom is sought and valued by those who recognize the purity of their intentions and the absence of ulterior motives.  


  In the distant past, far beyond the reach of memory, the Orcs were a nomadic tribe, roaming vast expanses of hostile lands, yearning for a better future. Driven by their insatiable desire for wealth, they engaged in both trade and plunder, amassing a treasure trove of knowledge and resources. These nomadic Orcs were known for their barbaric and greedy nature, as they pursued their fortunes with little regard for others.   In the course of their wanderings, the Orcs discovered the burgeoning city-state of Luyarnha. Nestled in a strategic location, blessed with fertile soil and abundant water, teeming with opportunities, and importantly, protected from the reach of the human kingdoms – who had developed a hatred of goblinoids – the city held a magnetic allure for the enterprising Orcs. They recognized that plundering and ransacking Luyarnha would lead to their inevitable destruction, as the might of the city-state would crush them and eradicate their kind from the world. Thus, a majority of them opted to suppress their barbaric instincts, hoping to transform their nomadic existence into a stable and prosperous civilization within Luyarnha's walls, whilst the rest of them continued in their journeys.   Initially, the Orcs' arrival in Luyarnha was met with suspicion by the native population, who had labored tirelessly to build their city and would not let outsiders reduce it to ashes. However, as the city's denizens observed the Orcs' indomitable spirit and keen intellect, their apprehension gave way to acceptance.   The Orcs soon became an integral part of Luyarnha's tapestry, contributing to its growth and development. Their presence served as a catalyst for change, inspiring the city to treat outsiders with greater respect, acknowledging the potential value they could bring.   The Orcs' decision to remain within Luyarnha was further solidified by the ascension of the Radiant Church. Prior to its establishment, many Orcs resided in the city solely to satisfy their mercantile ambitions, yet they harbored a profound spiritual yearning. The teachings of the Radiant Church resonated with their longing for a higher purpose, offering a means to reconcile their cursed avarice with the pursuit of virtue. The Orcs embraced this newfound faith, and many devoted themselves to the service of the Radiant Church, finding solace and redemption in its hallowed halls.   Thus, the Orcs became a part of Luyarnha's history and identity. Their influence pervaded every aspect of the city's life, from the bustling marketplaces to the grand cathedrals, and their story became inextricably linked with that of the city they now called home. As they adapted to their new surroundings, the once-barbaric and greedy Orcs found a way to channel their innate desires towards the greater good, forever changing the course of their destiny.


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