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Basic Information


They stand bipedally, with relatively soft scales. They vary in color, but this is determined more by subspecies and home environment than any other factor. Arctic dragonlings tend to have white scales that are hard and cold resistance, Desert Dragonlings have light, sandy colored scales that reflect the light from the sun, and forest dragonlings have brown scales that allow them to disguise themselves easily among the trees. Their most incredible features are, however, their draconic features. With strong, scaly wings and long spiny tails, you can truly see their draconic ancestry shining through. Their wings split from their sturdy shoulder blades, and their pectorals are much stronger than your average humanoid, allowing them to gain flight, an ability that makes them incredibly powerful.

Genetics and Reproduction

Females lay eggs once per month, but they will not hatch unless fertilized beforehand. The eggs are quite small, but will actually grow as the hatchling inside grows. It begins as around 3 inches in diameter, and will grow until they are around a foot in diameter. The egg is stretchy, and will hatch when it grows big enough that the shell tears. They remain within the egg for 8 months before hatching, growing into a hatchling.

Growth Rate & Stages

At hatching, a dragonling will weigh around 10lbs and be around 2ft long. At hatching, they will be curled up tightly and will begin to move their limbs at a few hours old. Their wings will be firmly tucked against their body until they are 2 months old. They will walk at 2 years old, and talk at around the same time. Their wings are always big enough to allow them to fly, but most will not learn to fly until around 3 years old. They will be fully grown physically at 15, but will not be considered adults until around 17.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They are omnivorous, eating just about any food provided to them. They are quite sensitive to spice and many will not be able to eat food with even minimal spice. They are particularly fond of pickled food, and quite a significant amount of their food is pickled before consumption.

Biological Cycle

Their scales will thicken in the cold, providing better protection from the elements.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

They have primarily humanoid facial features, with scales rimming the face. They have large whisker-like features that emerge from the upper cheek, connected with scaly skin. These serve as sensory features which can detect small changes in the environment. Instead of humans small ears, they have large, ruffled, scaly ears that extend outwards from the head.

Average Intelligence

A quite intelligent, sapient species. Average intelligence of 10.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have quite good vision, adjusted to powering through storms of snow and sand.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Their names tend to include many hard consonants. They are given a child's name at hatching which they will keep until around 15 years old. Their adults name tends to more so reflect the region they live in as opposed to any real structure. Feminine names will start and end with vowels, masculine names will not. Gender neutral names will start with a vowel and end with a consonant, primarily the letter "x". Childhood names are one syllable, symbolizing the simplicity of youth, and are not affected by gender. Adult names' length will be determined by achievement. One syllable will be added for each major life achievement, leading to chiefs names things like "Einzfanriktaurinlea".  Feminine names: Esenia, Ilikeria, Atoni, Inessa, Orku, Eipori, Oiro.  Masculine names: Xicfesk, Wakeg, Taeben, Qeric, Kierenakfen, Kileran, Jakwaren.  Gender neutral names: Adovix, Oirex, Eipix, Ahpixir, Arimunex, Ikeliar, Oarelinetix.

Beauty Ideals

Sharp teeth are considered very attractive to dragonlings, and it is typically considered more beautiful to have sharper features. The ruff should be symmetrical, and it's scale flaps should be almost translucent. Typically neither femininity nor masculinity is favored, but both genders should be quite muscular.

Gender Ideals

They value each gender equally but for different reasons. Men are seen as hunters and gathers, whereas women are seen as leaders and nurturers. Both of these tasks, however, are seen as equally important. Both the killing of prey and the raising of children are seen as incredibly societally important.

Courtship Ideals

They typically will participate in social activities for multiple years before deciding to undergo the Moonlight Ceremony. They may request permission from the group leaders in order to be placed in activities together. The Moonlight Ceremony is a ceremony in which the perspective couple is cast out from society for one second moon. They will be forced to live together and survive for this time, and if they come back still in love, they will return with a fertilized egg and be deemed a couple. This is a test designed to test their relationship. Strong relationships are strengthened over this second moon, and weak ones are destroyed.

Relationship Ideals

Dragonlings are expected to mate for life, living together until one dies. They will often raise many children together, as their relationship is required to be very stable.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

They do not have their own language seeing as they are so widespread. They will adopt the language of the area they reside as well as the primary customs. They also will learn Common Tongue.

Common Etiquette Rules

Touching wings, tails, and ruffs are all considered affectionate gestures. Bumping wings is the human equivalent of a hug, and twining tails is similar to hand holding. They tend to find flying together a fun bonding experience. It is common etiquette to lower your wings around elders and people with more syllables than you.

Common Taboos

Ruff touching by anyone other than close friends and loved ones is considered very taboo. It is also extremely frowned upon for anyone other than the mother to touch a developing egg, as it is rumored to confuse the growing embryo.

Common Myths and Legends

The myth of dragons is especially important to these draconic beings. Depending on heritage, many variations of this myth are told, but it is never missing completely. It is so important that the first thing most children will say when asked what they want to do when they grow up is "find the dragons!" All children grow up with some version of the dragons myth.
Dragonling traits: 
  • Size: Medium
  • Speed: 30ft, fly 40ft
  • Vision: No darkvision
  • Common tongue, draconic
  • Ability scores: +1 to dexterity
  • Wings: You have large, scaly wings. You gain a fly speed of 40ft, and must move at least 5 ft per round to remain aloft. 
80 years
Conservation Status
This species is very commonly found, and is therefore not under conservation. It is located in Ocharial, the Forest of Grien, the Desert of Souls, and the Frozen Wasteland. They do, however, exist in every continent on Ebelar.
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Length
Wingspan of 15ft
Average Physique
They are quite muscular, with immensely strong wing and back muscles to allow for flight. They also have a tail with strong muscles and a large flap on the bottom to allow for steering.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Dragonlings come in many different colors depending on their location and subspecies. Their primary colors are sandy yellow, deep brown, dark mottled green, light gray-blue, white, tan, red, and pale green.
Geographic Distribution
Dragonling Subraces:
  • Forest dragonling: You are a mottled green and brown color and live in deep woods. You gain a +1 to dexterity and have advantage on stealth checks in the woods. 
  • Arctic dragonling: You are a light white or blue color and live in wintry, snowy areas. You gain a +1 to constitution and are unaffected by difficult terrain caused by ice
  • Desert dragonling: You are a sandy yellow or tan color and live in sandy deserts. You gain a +1 to wisdom and can go up to two weeks at a time without water. 


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