Mythical FireSneezer Species in Lost Words Hamlet | World Anvil

Mythical FireSneezer


by Ruby O'Degee
Mythical FireSneezers use their nostrils to blow fire. Chefs enlist their help with their Cherries Jubliee presentations, and they prep their kitchens. They keep a fire extinguisher handy.

Basic Information


Mythical FireSneezer skin color is a violet color, tough and fire proof. FireSneezer skin feathers reflect light. They have four toes, on each hand and both feet. They fly without wings. They use their manes and magic to materialize where they need to land.   It is impossible to catch FiewSneezers sneezing. They fling a quiet snappy sneeze. It is magic in the betwixt.   Sneezing is a concern for novice chefs. They worry FireSneezers will spread germs. These same chefs are not concerned about their family members blowing out birthday candles. The Lost Words Chamber of Commerce assures residents that Hamlet candles are made with healthy wax. There is no evidence that they know how a sneeze works, or how candle wax works either.

Genetics and Reproduction

FireSneezers are produced by wizards that write legends and sagas. Publishers clone Mythical FireSneezers. They distribute them, but their populations depend on whether a FireSneezer becomes a well known myth.

Growth Rate & Stages

Fire Sneezers are born adults. They burn off calories during their natural fire sneezing function. Fire sneezers learn to sneeze fire in an intentional way through the error of their ways.   After burning down trees and houses, they are scolded. Fire Sneezers don't take criticism well. They practice using limited fire to heat up a jubliee, campfire, light a fireplace or cook a sear a steak. A better directed fire eliminates nasty splatters and burned residents.   Male and female Fire Sneezers share their duties to burn a marshmallow; one to hold the stick and the other to sneeze. This activity is the only time male and female FireSneezers work in tandem.


Mythical FireSneezers practice using the threat of fire to scare camping residents. For 734 years the beasts used their fire for serious purposes only. One night a Hamlet resident invited a herd of Fire Sneezers to attend a community celebration. The cake chefs accidently used pepper instead of Sprinkles. 17 Fire Sneezers ker-chooed in harmony.   Killing active Gormontyant Sprinkles pleases cake eaters. Burning down their only picnic shelter during a downpour did not impress them.
Scientific Name
by Ruby O'Degee
The Mythical FireSneezer comes from an ancestry of Lost Hamlet magical beasts. Their instinctive reaction is to think of magic first. Any other solution is a secondary thought.
Conservation Status
Fire Sneezers are not easy to find. They come to the rescue of Hamlet residents when they need the comforts of magic. The inviter must believe in a magical solution. Providing the fire for a desert of Cherry Jubliees is the most common excuse for calling on a Fire Sneezer. Any other purpose for requesting the help of a Fire Sneezer doesn't materialize the beast.
by Violet M. (rod)

Cover image: by Ruby O'Degee Design


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