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Capital of Cridalia, and the only habitable place in the country. It is run by the provincial Lord, and its extremely militaristic.



The Provincial Lord and council run all things in the country through military power and prominence. \  


Taxation is paid heavily through gold pieces, or through service in the military as a Cridalian Warrior.   The warriors are highly trained in their own artistic usage of fighting. They are encouraged to maintain a sure identity in themselves so they can fight with passion instead of outward duty.


Structurally, it is built into a massive cave-like mountain. There is only one way in, and that is the front of the mountain.   The city is also under constant and consistent guard from incredibly well trained Cridalian Warriors

Industry & Trade


Many citizens go out and brave the mountains to find rare meats, from beasts both dangerous and delicous


If you want incredible weapons, Cridalia is about as good as it gets. The continent's best blacksmithy reside here


While many of the services are seen to by the warriors, one thing that is left to the citizens is the architecture. The ability to build and modify the seemingly immovable structures is priceless here   Other basic services can be found as well


Built straight into a mountain, the city is made of carved out stone and rock, right into the base of the towering mountain.

Shops and Stores

Small stone shops sell all kinds of things such as rare meats, highly refined weapons, and intense magical items. The creators and procurers of these items are not warriors, but are personally trained in the crafts if desired  


Even smaller rows of cave-like homes line the walls of the city, each one dark or dimly lit. The more successfull warriors and shopkeepers live in massive carved stone apartments towards the center of the town, that tower all the way to cave roofs, or equal height where there are none.  

Miltary and Lordship

Some miles off from the city center is the palace of Skal. Hidden from view, but still with allowed public access, this is the home of Lord and Commander Tubewood. She houses many of her best councilmen and guards here, and is treated with respect and royalty. It is also here where tournaments, events, trials, and trainings happen. It is the true militaristic section of Skal


The Outer Border

Smaller houses where the poorer citizens live. Most give up their lives for training as a warrior  

The Inner Residence

Taller houses and apartments where successfull families live  

The Merchant District

Small shops and stone buildings, with booths lining the streets. This is where non-warrior citizens make their livings and buy their goods  

The Palace of Skal

The royal palace where government operations happen and the Lord and Commander resides


Refined weapons and magical items are found here. to be provided for the Cridalian Warriors


In the year 625, Pitchrin Skal braved the new frontier of the Cridlain Ranges, looking for solitude and to build his own city, free from the grasps of the provincial divides happening in the east. He brought with him his family, and a few others who felt they were fed up with the new structures in Crismalia.   They were absolutely succesfull in building their home, what we now call the Palace of Skal. In 633 the building had finished its construction, and he lived there in peace. But others came, seeking the same ideals that he did.   He named himself King of the city, which he named after himself: Skal. These new men and women carved out the greatest mountain in the Cridalian Ranges and made a living there, hunting, building and training for revolution against the provincial divide that was occuring in the greater Crismalia.   Skal, and his ragtag army declared independence from rest of Crismalia. but the Lords outside wouldn't stand for it. A small war ensued, known as The Skalian Tragedy(647). Skal eventually stood down and connected with the provincial Divide, changing Pitchrin's title from King to Lord. However he did win governing freedom, meaning he could control his people however he wants as long as he doesn't impede on the freedom of any other existing provinces.   When Pitchrin died in the year 653, the warriors fought brutally to be lord. One clear winner prevailed - Brock Stindstel. He established a council, and in remebrance of those who died in the brawl for power created a new election system: the Cridalian Fate. Whenever the space was open, the Fate would take place and a new Lord would be elected without question.   And thus the city of Skal went on, never expanding, never retaliating - always existing as the only city in Cridalia.

Points of interest

The Palace of Skal


Compeltely carved out stone is used. Each building is made out of the same material that has existed in the Cridalian Ranges since the World's Spark.


Surrounded completely by towering mountains, Skal is built into the biggest mountain in the entire ranges.

Natural Resources

Massive brown beasts known as Zendrols give the finest dinners in Skal, while also causing a significant amount of death to hunters who try for them.   Stone and Ore are mined throughout as well.
Founding Date
Large city
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

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